Fortune Oil & Gas Inc. FOGC Corporate Brochure April 2011 MA
MA ALTA MINING INC. is a mining exploration company that looks for new deposits of precious minerals in early stage exploration properties that are believed to have significant potential for finding large mineral deposits. The company's principal focus is to work on properties that were explored in past and showed promising geology and significant potential for bearing an economically viable mineral deposit. The company operates in areas of proven exploration potential in mining-friendly jurisdictions with established road infrastructure, comfortable access to power sources, proximity to processing and metallurgical facilities, as well as an experienced labour force. ABOUT US PRESIDENTS LETTER Thursday, March 31, 2011 Presidents Letter to Shareholders Dear Shareholder: As you are aware, our proposed merger with ALTA MINING INC. has been successfully brought to the ending point. From now on, ALTA is our lawful subsidiary and all of its success is going to be reflected as the success of FOGC. Upon finalizing the merger, we started to simultaneously work on two very important fields of company development. We started to market the company at the stage where we wanted to expand our visibility in the market, and as a result we got a strong confirmation that the market looks very favourably on prospective mining plays in geo-politically stable areas. We will continue to follow that path and our future projects will meet that important standard. In addition, all of our projects will be strategically positioned in well-known mining districts of North America. Properties we intend to explore already have a well-developed road network and confirmed mineral findings. We are certain that this kind of approach will maximize benefits from future property development and quickly build up shareholder value. The second important route that the company is undertaking in early post-merger operations is increasing its mining credibility. We are diligently working on it, and the future management structure will involve people who have the undisputable ability to boost this very important aspect of the companys public image. I believe that 2011 will be the year of the base metals exploration sector. Modern, quality and well-timed mineral exploration is the companys main goal, and we will not be waiting long to get to the point where we should benefit from favourable market conditions and further company success. Sincerely, S. Acimovic, President Fortune Oil & Gas Inc
MA Times are good for silver juniors Opposed to the industrial demand that was almost exclusively driving the price of silver for years, today we have a situation where investing in silver is competing with industrial demand and pushing silver prices ever higher. Two years ago, on March 24, 2009, silver closed at $13.44 an ounce. Two years later, the white metal price fluctuates around $37.42 an ounce on the NYMEX a gain of 178%. We could easily see $40 an ounce silver by the end the second quarter and $50 an ounce by year-end based on typical industrial and investment demand drivers and the fact that "smart money" is entering the space. Industrial uses of silver should rise sharply over the next five years because of the lack of substitution and the wide range of established and growing new uses that make up industrial demand. Experts agree on the assessment that the rising silver price trend is set to continue over the next five years and that the silver exploration industry will have a significant role in future mining worldwide. SILVER MINING IN CANADA Canada is one of the worlds leading mining nations. The country is a major producer and exporter of several important commodities, including gold, nickel, copper, zinc, lead, iron ore and, more recently, diamonds. Canadas minerals industry (including smelting and refining) comprised 3.7% of Canadas gross domestic product. Mining is booming in Canada. Most miners are optimistic that this boom will continue, fuelled by domestic consumption and demand from the United States, China and India. Its also possible that dwindling oil reserves and/or political instability in the major Middle East oil-producing nations will lead to greater production demand from Canadas oil sands industry. The mining industry is enjoying a prosperous period. Robust economic growth in emerging economies, particularly China, is driving global demand for minerals and metals. China bought 25% of the worlds base metals in 2006 versus 5% in the 1980s. In the coming decades, China will face an increasing gap between supply and demand for minerals and metals. Among the 45 minerals with proven reserves in China, only six will meet domestic demand by This consideration, along with growth in India and the still relatively low metals intensity of these economies, suggests that global demand will remain strong. This trend is affecting the Canadian industry in two ways – first as a supplier of products to these specific markets, and second as a price- taker benefitting from overall price increases stimulated by this global demand.