Fig. 3. Hts and Dlg are in a complex at the postsynaptic membrane of larval NMJs.(A–B″) PLA with HtsM and Dlg antibodies (green) performed on third instar larval NMJs at muscles 6/7 in abdominal segment 4. Hts and Dlg are in a complex at the postsynaptic membrane of larval NMJs.(A–B″) PLA with HtsM and Dlg antibodies (green) performed on third instar larval NMJs at muscles 6/7 in abdominal segment 4. Hrp is used to mark the neuronal membrane (red). Boutons marked with an asterisk (*) are shown at higher magnification in insets. (A–A″) Wild-type NMJs show punctate PLA signal between the adducin-like isoforms of Hts and Dlg at the postsynaptic membrane. (B–B″) hts01103 mutant NMJs, which lack Hts immunoreactivity (not shown), exhibit no detectable PLA signal. Scale bar in Panel B″ represents 20 µm (for A–B″). Simon Ji Hau Wang et al. Biology Open 2014;bio.20148342 © 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd