AoH Conference Call September 7, 2004 Air Resource Specialists, Inc. Joe Adlhoch ( Cassie Archuleta ( 970-484-7941
AoH Phase I Web Page Operational Go to the AoH Work Group “About” page and click on the “Phase I (ARS)” link under “Projects” in the right hand navigation box Or, go directly to this link: This page contains a brief overview of the project and direct links to ARS presentations The “Report” section of the navigation box will direct you to other ARS documents – currently, only the “EI Summary Products” link is active
Review of 2002 “interim” Emissions Fires Actual 2002 wildland fire and prescribed fire emission inventories Specific location, date, size and fuel loading for each fire event. Biogenic Emissions Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS3) Vegetation Data: Biogenic Emissions Landuse Database (BELD3) Meteorological Data (MM5v3) Fire emissions only available for WRAP states. Biogenic emissions available for all 50 states. Biogenic emissions are processed for model input and are represented by 36km grid cells, as opposed to county lines. Data by state includes some overlap because grid cells cross state lines.
Fire emissions summed over all WRAP states Fire emissions summed over all WRAP states. Seasonally dependent, emissions dominated by wild fires.
Comparison of biogenic VOC emissions for CA, AZ, CO, and ND Comparison of biogenic VOC emissions for CA, AZ, CO, and ND. Strong seasonal dependence, huge variation of magnitude across WRAP region.
Map of data within modeling domain for area source emissions Map of data within modeling domain for area source emissions. Additional maps for other source categories (Area, Fire, On and off-road mobile, road dust and biogenic emissions) are available at:
Another representation of area source emissions included in modeling Another representation of area source emissions included in modeling. Same data as previous slide. This map style indicates a better representation of magnitude while the other is a better representation of speciation. Preferences?
WRAP SO2 emissions for WRAP states separated by category WRAP SO2 emissions for WRAP states separated by category. Summaries for other pollutants available at:
2002 pollutant emissions in Colorado divided by source category 2002 pollutant emissions in Colorado divided by source category. Bar charts for other WRAP states available at
Same data as previous slide, but with 2002 category emissions in Colorado divided by pollutant. Similar charts for other WRAP states available at
Next Steps Review modeling and monitoring results Work with RMC to determine best way to summarize boundary conditions and off-shore emissions Prepare a simple comparison between “actual” and “interim” 2002 EI Develop outline for final report Generate summary products for Class I areas/clusters Updates will be presented at AoH meeting in Salt Lake City (Sept. 20-22)