E.Lyon 2017 Art A Day 2 Randomness
Bell Work 10.11.2017 on the next available page in your sketchbook Project #5 for Term 1 Art A Bell Work 10.11.2017 on the next available page in your sketchbook 1) Draw you impression(idea) of what a happy line looks like. 2) Draw you impression(idea) of what a frustrated line looks like. 3) If you were to add an emotion to your Randomness project what emotion(s) would it be?
Stippling and cross-hatching Shading with a pen Stippling and cross-hatching
10.11.2017 Agenda Review Last class we talked about balance, played the game of the marks on your paper are visual weight Sketched out 3 different ideas of how to incorporate all the expectations for the project into one drawing(if you did not get your sketches done last class, finish them and show them to me so I can add them to your grade) Studio Time today – finish your 3 sketches if you did not last class Pick one and transfer it to the big paper(in pencil) When you are done with that, show me your drawing on the big paper and I’ll give you a sharpie to start shading it in(use stippling and cross-hatching in some areas)
Randomness Expectations Project #5 for Term 1 Art A Randomness Expectations All these things need to be included in your project 6 cow spots 3 bulls eyes(targets) 4 areas with stripes Only use black and white 3 areas with checker board design You can add anything else you want! Questions?
Days to work on this: 3 total Project #2 for Term 2 Art A Days to work on this: 3 total Next Class - Wednesday Friday - Project #4: Randomness DUE at the end of class with completed rubric and self-reflection
Randomness Expectations Project #5 for Term 1 Art A Randomness Expectations All these things need to be included in your project 6 cow spots 3 bulls eyes(targets) 4 areas with stripes Only use black and white 3 areas with checker board design You can add anything else you want! Questions?
What to Turn in on the way out 10.11.2017 What to Turn in on the way out Make sure to turn in all three sketches Any missing work you need re-graded Return all sharpies that you signed out See you all Friday!
Advisory = Study Hall Day Advisory students in my advisory, make sure you are working on something to earn your points for today: Home work Checking grades and missing what Making a plan of what you can do and which days in your planner Phones are tools(calculators, grade checks), not distractions(games, social media, etc.) Sign out what you did today 4 = working the whole time, 3= most of the time, 2= worked only half the time, 1= didn’t work on anything, 0=wasn’t even here Travel Pass Art Students Come in, find your work, get the supplies you need, clean up 5 min. before the bell rings Last two minutes of class, sign out and rate yourself for the day