E.Bulyak, P.Gladkikh, M.Kuriki, T.Omori, L.Rinolfi, J.Urakawa, A.Variola, F.Zimmermann. Compton Ring Lattice. Work supported by “Grant-in-Aid for Creative Research of JSPS (KAKENHI 17GS0210)” POSIPOL07. Compton Ring Lattice.
<> 15 MeV, E0 = 1300 MeV, <> / E0 = 1.15 % n = 3 δ = 2 % 4.1 GeV + CO2 n = 19, δ = 1.6 % POSIPOL07. Compton Ring Lattice.
3 < / δ < 4 τq1 / τq2 < 30 = 5.5 %, / δ =3.33, δ = 1.65 %, τq = 1 s, tcycle = 6.67 ms frep = 150 Hz tgen = 1 ms, τq = 1 s Neb / Neb ≈ tgen / τq = 10-3 ; Ntot / Neb = frep× Neb / Neb = 15 % nγ / Neb < 2.0 - 3.0; Ne+ = 1×1014 / s, kphef = 0.014 Nγ tot = 1.5×1016 / s , Nγ = 1014 /cycle , Neb > Nγ / 2.5 = 4×1013 ; Istor ≈ 1 A C ≈ 2 km POSIPOL07. Compton Ring Lattice.
1 = 7 %, δ1 = 2.1 %; 2 = 5.5 %, δ2 = 1.65 %; δ1 / δ2 = 1.27 C2 / C1 = 1.6 E = 2 × 50 MeV E0 = 1.3 GeV, <> / E0 = 1.15 % E0 = 1.07 Gev , <> / E0 = 0.93 % C1 / C2 = 1.5 POSIPOL07. Compton Ring Lattice.
θ = 1 / γ ≈ 4×10-4, Ra > θ × LIP / 2 = 6 mm; ph = 15 μ mir = 2.7 mm, Rmir > 4.5×σmir ≈ 12 mm , φ = 100 POSIPOL07. Compton Ring Lattice.
E0 = 1.070 GeV, C ≈ 1200 m (h = 7500), φ = 100, Wlas = 2 J, nγ / Neb = 3, Ne+ = 1.05×1014 / s, 10 Mev ≤ εγ ≤ 20 MeV, Neb / Neb ≈ 17 % / s POSIPOL07. Compton Ring Lattice.
POSIPOL07. Compton Ring Lattice. E = 1.070 GeV E = 1.300 GeV Parameter With chic. Without chic. Gamma’s energy, MeV 10 – 20 15 – 30 Circumference, m 800 1280 1200 1920 Energy acceptance, % 7 5.5 Laser flash energy, J 2 Laser waist (RMS), μ 15 Laser pulse length (RMS), mm 0.5 RF voltage, MV 2×40 20 2×50 30 Bunch length, mm 4 – 6 Bunch charge, nC Bunch spacing, cm 48 Stored current, A 1.25 Energy losses (SR + wigglers), keV 700 1000 Particles losses per sec., % < 20 Positron number per sec. 1.051014 POSIPOL07. Compton Ring Lattice.