Music Therapy Advocacy Autism
What is Music Therapy? Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved program. (American Music Therapy Association definition, 2011)
What Education do Music Therapists Have? Bachelors degree in music therapy (or equivalent coursework) LCAT- New York State 6-month clinical internship with approved site National board certification exam. Credentials read MT-BC after certification Maintain 100 continuing education credits every 5 years
The Music Therapy Process Assessment of clients needs Determine appropriate goals and objectives Carry out music therapy interventions Progress notes and documentation Re-evaluation, follow-up, termination
Goal Areas for Autism Social relationship and intervention building Increase in verbal and non-verbal communication Breaking repetitive and ritualistic behavior patterns
Why Music Works Music effects many different elements: cognitive, social, physical, neurological, emotional. Allows creativity and self-expression with or without words. Musical stimuli, rhythm and vibrations are often appealing to persons with autism.
The Benefits of Using Music Deals with concrete concepts Promotes social interaction Promotes emotional communication through verbal and non-verbal means Provides both structure and freedom Stimulates many senses Highly motivational Promotes joint attention
Example Music Therapy Session Hello Song Active Music Play Movement Cognitive or Academic Task Goodbye Song
Success Stories Client example #1 Client example #2
Experiential Active Music Making Relaxation Questions?
References Edgerton, C. (1994) The effect of improvisational music therapy in the communicative behaviors of autistic children, Journal of Music Therapy, 21, Gold, C., Wigram, T. & Elafani, C. (2006) Music therapy for autistic spectrum disorder (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2006 Chichester, UK, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Trevarthen, Colwyn, Aitken, Kenneth, Papoudi, Despina & Robarts, Jacqueline. (1996). Children with Autism: Diagnosis and Interventions to Meet Their Needs. Jessica Kingsley Pub, Bristol, PA