A few tips to help get you started Welcome to The PE Hub A few tips to help get you started
Handy reminder Every member of staff gets a members card Social media so you can keep in touch with us! Joe Bloggs Website address to log in. Your PE Hub contact in school-- i.e., the person who set up the account.
Navigating the home page Click to log in here. Select lesson plans from here. Navigating the home page You can also select lesson plans from here and find supporting teaching resources.
Lesson Plan Page From the lesson plans tab, scroll down to find your year group. Select the year group to find out more about what is covered. Then select the unit you would like to teach.
Unit Overview The overview content tabs tell you everything you need to know about the unit. Select the lesson you wish to view and click start..
Unit Overview Continued Scroll to the bottom of an unit overview and you will see any related supporting resources. Unit Overview Continued
Year group overview Lesson Plans All starter activities are linked to learning which may mean introducing a skill, preparing bodies for the demands of the lesson, or getting used to new rules. The dropdown content tabs tell you everything you need to know about the lesson. Main teaching points and ideas for questions in each lesson. Year group overview All lesson plans follow the same format! Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans Continued Drop down tabs reveal or hide activities, such as skill development. Year group overview View and download resources linked directly to the lesson outcomes. Scroll forward to the next lesson or back to the previous. Print your lesson plan. Lesson Plans Continued
Assessment Scroll to the bottom of the Lesson Plans Page To access the Teachers Tool Kit, which hosts assessment documents and other resources, scroll to the bottom of the lesson plans page. Assessment Scroll to the bottom of the Lesson Plans Page Select the tool you wish to use.
Assessment Enter your class names. Carry out the assessment for learning task at the start of the unit and select appropriate code to put in the first box. Towards the end of the unit, or when you see a pupil achieve or improve, mark the code in the second box. Record any progress made, for example moving from ‘not achieved’ to ‘working towards’. Select the unit taught and add any further detail needed in the ‘sports taught’ line. Not achieved – Pupil cannot perform any part of the skill/tactic or task, or you have seen no evidence to suggest they would be able to. Working Towards – Pupil has shown some evidence that they can perform a skill/tactic or task. This may not be consistently or without error, but there is a clear attempt. Achieved – Pupil is performing consistently and accurately in line with the criteria of the skill/tactic or task, and able to do so most times. All assessment statements are taken directly from the corresponding unit of work and include many elements seen in the assessment for learning task. We have recently updated to include ‘head’, ‘hand’ and ‘heart’ linked statements to encompass the wider learning children acquire in PE.
We hope you enjoy using The PE Hub! We love to hear from any teachers or other school staff, so here’s how to get hold of us. Phone: 0121 661 6530 Email: info@thepehub.co.uk Facebook: facebook.com/ThePEHub Twitter: @thepehub Instagram: @thepehub