The “Plan” Do Now – 5 Minutes UO, LO, GQ – 3 Minutes Preview - 10 Minutes Video – 7 Minutes Login - 3 Minutes Independent Work – 20 Minutes Notes: Try and get techies to help other groups with technical issues. Set a ten Minute Timer for Filling in the FRAME section.
Do Now 7/15/2019 C: No talking. H: Raise hand. A: Working. M: Seated. Get out your body system FRAME, On the back write in complete sentences: The function of the system you worked on last week. The function of the ________ system is …. The parts of the system you worked on last week The __________ system is made up of…. One more thing that is important about your system. You should also know that… Option 1 - Name a function of a part Option 2 – Name an interesting fact Option 3 – Name another system that works with your system C: No talking. H: Raise hand. A: Working. M: Seated. P: On task. S: Succeed! Date updates automatically!
✓ The Unit Organizer Circulatory Respiratory Nervous Digestive NAME DATE The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 Structure and Function of Living Systems Understanding how The internal elements of organisms are adapted to work together. By…. How internal structures of organisms are adapted to perform specific functions Like how… ✓ Investigating and Explaining Comparing The function of cells and the organelles to the functions of organisms and organs • ______ let fish get dissolved ______ out of water • ________ bones help _____ fly by making them ______ • __________ carries _____ through vascular plants • __________ carries _____ (sugar) through vascular plants Identifying The functions and parts of body systems Digestive • T_________ • D___________ • L______ • B______ • S_____ C____ • N______ • S______ Organs • K_______ • B_______ • G_____: Organs that excrete… • H_________ • T_______ • S______ muscle • C______ muscle Circulatory Integumentary Reproductive • M______ • Esophagus • S_______ • I________ • Gallbladder • Pancreas Skeletal • H____ • B____ • B_____ V_____ • Male: T_________, P_____, S______ • Female: E____, O____, V____, U_____ • L_________ Respiratory Nervous Excretory Endocrine Musculatory •S___ •H___•N___ PreAP
Learning Objective I will be able to identify and describe the functions of the organs belonging to the skeletal and muscular systems.
Language Objective Using the FRAME we will complete the skeletal and muscular system notes. We will skim through a brief PPT, and watch a short video about each system.
Guiding Questions? What are TWO functions of the skeletal system? What is part of the skeletal system, other than bones? What is the major function of the muscular system? What are the three types of muscle in the body? What are the differences?
Organ System Presentations Raise your hand if you have a question. Conversation No talking. No whispering. Respectfully say “shh”. Help Raise your hand if you have a question. Activity Each skeletal group will present their slides. I will show my slide and review key points. I will popsicle stick questions for the system Repeat with muscular system group Movement Remain seated. No bathroom breaks. Participation Sit up, pen/pencil in hand with your FRAME out. WMS Colors
Skeletal System Made up of all of the bones in your body, it is the framework of the body. Each bone in your body is a living organ, made of different tissues. Cells in bones take in food and use energy.
Skeletal System Made up of all of the bones in your body, it is the framework of the body. - Five Functions of Skeletal System 1. Framework gives shape & support to the body.
Skeletal System Made up of all of the bones in your body, it is the framework of the body. Five Functions of Skeletal System 1. Framework gives shape and support to the body. 2. Bones protect the internal organs.
Skeletal System Made up of all of the bones in your body, it is the framework of the body. Five Functions of Skeletal System 1. Framework gives shape & support to the body. 2. Bones protect the internal organs. 3. Major muscles of the body are attached to the bones.
Skeletal System Made up of all of the bones in your body, it is the framework of the body. Five Functions of Skeletal System 1. Framework gives shape & support to the body. 2. Bones protect the internal organs. 3. Major muscles of the body are attached to the bones. 4. Blood cells are formed in red marrow of some bones.
Skeletal System Made up of all of the bones in your body, it is the framework of the body. Five Functions of Skeletal System 1. Framework gives shape & support to the body. 2. Bones protect the internal organs. 3. Major muscles of the body are attached to the bones. 4. Blood cells are formed in red marrow of some bones. 5. Skeleton is a place where major quantities of calcium and phosphorus compounds are stored.
Bones The adult skeleton has 206 bones (baby has 270).
Joints Any place where two or more bones meet Ligaments: tough bands of tissue that hold bones together at the joints
The Skeletal System Purpose: to provide structure and support to the human body Bones are where new blood cells are generated (in the marrow), and require the mineral calcium for strength Ligaments: a short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint. Major Bones of the Human Body -- femur (thigh bone) -- humerus (upper arm) -- radius and ulna (lower arm) -- cranium (skull) -- sternum (breastbone) -- clavicle (shoulder blade) -- fibula and tibia (calf) -- vertebrae (back) -- scalpula (shoulder) -- pelvic bone -- coccyx (tail bone) -- phalanges (fingers/toes)
Muscular System Muscles are the organs that move body parts. Bones and joints have no power to move on their own. More than 600 muscles in the body 35–40% of body mass is muscle
Muscular System Muscle—organ that contracts and becomes shorter Result = Body parts move, energy is used, and work is done.
Muscular System Three Types of Muscle Tissue 1. Skeletal Muscle Most numerous in body Looks striped (striated) Attached to the bones by tendons Tendons—thick bands that pull on the bone as the muscle contracts Voluntary Contract quickly, tire easily
Muscular System Three Types of Muscle Tissue (cont.) 2. Smooth Muscle Involuntary Found in: walls of stomach, intestine, uterus, etc. Contracts and relaxes slowly No striations
Muscular System Three Types of Muscle Tissue (cont.) 3. Cardiac Muscle Only found in heart Involuntary Has striations Contracts 70 times per minute (heartbeat)
The Muscular System Purpose: works with the skeletal and nervous system to produce movement, also helps to circulate blood through the human body Tendons: tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone Types of Muscle: Skeletal: named for its location – attached to bones Smooth: located in the walls of hollow internal structures such as blood vessels, the stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder Cardiac: forms the bulk of the wall of the heart