November 11, 2010 Dallas, Tx Session #70 802.16m Closing Report November 11, 2010 Dallas, Tx Session #70 2010-11-11 IEEE 802.16m-10/0035r1
802.16m Closing Report – Dallas Into Session #70: One SDD CR SB 3nd recirculation: 88% return rate; 89% approval (29 disapprove votes) Preliminary ballot update (88% return, 92.8%approval (20 disapprove votes) SB Comments to be resolved at Session #79 on D9 Amendment Text (802.16-10/0052r1) 259 non-editorial: 159 MAC 3 Maintenance 34 PHY 6 General 57 Other 85 editorial comments TBD reply comments 120 contributions 67 MAC 19 PHY 3 Femto/SON 1 Multi-BS MIMO 8 Relay 2 LBS 3 e-MBS 10 ASN.1 7 Other 2010-11-11 IEEE 802.16m-10/0035r1
802.16m Closing Report- Dallas Plan for the week: Review and approve P802.16m PAR Extension request 802.16m-10/0037 – Done! (see motion) Resolve ALL Sponsor Ballot comments – Done ! Resolve single SDD CR (TGm opening) – Done! Authorize Editor to create D10 and request SB recirculation #4 (see following motions)– Done! Request WG Chair to request EC Conditional Approval (see following motions) Contacted current disapprove voters to request vote changes Discussed WorkPlan and schedule 2010-11-11 IEEE 802.16m-10/0035r1
802.16m Closing Report- Dallas Motion: To approve the IEEE 802.16m PAR extension request (IEEE 802.16m-10/0037) and authorize the WG Chair to present it to the IEEE 802 LMSC EC Motion: To approve the Session #70 comment resolutions contained in IEEE 802.16-10/0052r3 and authorize the editor to create a new draft P802.16m/D10 Motion: To authorize the IEEE 802.16 WG Chair to initiate Sponsor Ballot recirculation #4 on P802.16m/D10 Motion: To authorize the IEEE 802.16 WG Chair to request Conditional Approval from the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to forward the IEEE P802.16m Draft to RevCom, 2010-11-11 IEEE 802.16m-10/0035r1