Student Work Analysis: Looking for Growth in Thinking Core Mathematics Partnership Building Mathematical Knowledge and High-Leverage Instruction for Student Success January 7, 2016
What to Consider When Using SWA Form #1 Make sure this box captures all of the features of the standard. The more details you have in this box, the more it will help you identify the continuum of student thinking.
Sorting Work: Meeting or Approaching Identify features of student thinking that distinguish between Developing and Approaching. Identify features of student thinking that distinguish different levels within the range of Meeting.
Brainstorming Instructional Decisions Instructional decisions should reflect understandings you’ve gained from classwork, readings, standards and learning trajectories.
Reviewing the process Review the question your grade level will be working on. Identify elements from the standard that provides criteria for looking at the work. Come to consensus on features that will distinguish between Meeting and Approaching the standard. Sort your new work samples into two piles: Meeting and Approaching (You can do this individually or with a partner at the same grade level).
Building Consensus on Criteria: Meeting Focus on the pile identified as “Meeting” the standards Find a few examples (<3) to share with your grade level group that demonstrate a continuum of thinking for Meeting the standard. Repeat process with pile identified as “Approaching” Use these piles to complete instructional decisions section of the form and the reflection of learning.
Sharing your project plan - January 28 Outline a brief plan you intend to use with your students. Your plan might involve a series of number talks or additional experiences you will be adding into the connected unit of study you might be using with students. If you have completed your unit of study and still need to incorporate practice, the outline a brief plan of big ideas your students need. Consider how you might collect information on student progress. Bring your plan to share and get feedback from another grade level colleague on January 28.
Disclaimer Core Mathematics Partnership Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013-2016 This material was developed for the Core Mathematics Partnership project through the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Mathematics and Science Education Research (CMSER). This material may be used by schools to support learning of teachers and staff provided appropriate attribution and acknowledgement of its source. Other use of this work without prior written permission is prohibited—including reproduction, modification, distribution, or re-publication and use by non-profit organizations and commercial vendors. This project was supported through a grant from the Wisconsin ESEA Title II, Part B, Mathematics and Science Partnerships.