Creative Quotations from Louis Armstrong (1901-1971) born on Aug 4 US musician, bandleader; "Satchmo" has been called the world's greatest trumpeter; he introduced "scat" singing.
what jazz is, you'll never know. If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know.
The memory of things gone is important to a jazz musician The memory of things gone is important to a jazz musician. Things like old folks singing in the moonlight…
say nothin' my head can't stand. I don't let my mouth say nothin' my head can't stand.
Never play a thing the same way twice.
Musicians don't retire; they stop when there's no more music in them.
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BeMoreCreative & Creative Quotations CREDITS: Copyright 2008, Baertracks. BeMoreCreative & Creative Quotations are pending trademarks. Public domain photos from Wikimedia Commons. “My Heart” music by Armstrong; public domain