Modeling tumor invasion in the Drosophila larval wing disc. Modeling tumor invasion in theDrosophilalarval wing disc. (A) The larval wing disc consists of a sheet of epithelial cells (yellow). A ptc-GAL4 driver is used to knock down Csk, a negative regulator of Src, specifically in a stripe along the A-P boundary, using an RNAi transgene (UAS-Csk-RNAi). The Src-transformed cells are labeled with red fluorescent protein (RFP). The ptc domain is shown in green. The Csk-RNAi cells at the boundary of the ptc domain have the potential to invade into the surrounding tissue. Activation of the JNK pathway or knockdown of regulators of the cytoskeleton (mmp1, mmp2, p120-ctn, Rho1 and E-cadherin) using transgenic overexpression, different genetic backgrounds or RNAi, can either enhance or suppress the invasion of the Csk-RNAi cells, highlighting the importance of the tumor microenvironment (Vidal et al., 2006). (B) Horizontal cross-section of the boxed area of the wing disc shown in A. On silencing of Csk, labeled cells (red) are basally excluded and migrate from the boundary through the extracellular matrix (purple hatch). Wayne O. Miles et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2011;4:753-761 © 2011. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd