$100 $300 $100 $400 $100 $300 $200 $100 $100 $200 $500 $200 $500 $200 $300 $200 $500 $300 $500 $300 $400 $400 $400 $500 $400
Reading Comp
Verb Tenses
Wild Card
Reading Comp Vocab Vesuvius Verb Tenses Wild Card $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
$100 templum
$200 iam
$300 mittit
$400 paene
$500 mirabilis
What action did Caecilius take after Clemens rescued Julius? $100 What action did Caecilius take after Clemens rescued Julius?
What political figure does not care about Metella or Quintus? (Jerk…) $200 What political figure does not care about Metella or Quintus? (Jerk…)
In what room does Clemens find Caecilius? $300 In what room does Clemens find Caecilius?
What does Caecilius give to Clemens before he dies? $400 What does Caecilius give to Clemens before he dies?
$500 What does Caecilius want Clemens to do with the ring that he gives him?
When did Vesuvius erupt? $100 When did Vesuvius erupt?
$200 What was the devastating flow that buried both Pompeii and Herculaneum?
Pompeii is buried under ash and rubble. What buries Herculaneum? $300 Pompeii is buried under ash and rubble. What buries Herculaneum?
What material are the body casts at Pompeii made from? $400 What material are the body casts at Pompeii made from?
How much of Pompeii has been excavated? $500 How much of Pompeii has been excavated?
Translate the verb: custodiebat $100 Translate the verb: custodiebat
Translate the verb: custodivit $200 Translate the verb: custodivit
Translate the verb: complebas $300 Translate the verb: complebas
Translate the verb: complevisti $400 Translate the verb: complevisti
Translate the verb: misistis $500 Translate the verb: misistis
What Roman wrote about the eruption of Vesuvius? $100 What Roman wrote about the eruption of Vesuvius?
$200 Define the word CINIS
Who stayed behind with Caecilius in the house? $300 Who stayed behind with Caecilius in the house?
Translate the verb TIMEBAT $400 Translate the verb TIMEBAT
Bones could tell us this about a person. $500 Bones could tell us this about a person.
$100 temple
$200 now
$300 send
$400 almost
$500 weird
$100 He frees him
$200 Holconius
$300 Study
$400 His ring
Find Quintus and give him the ring $500 Find Quintus and give him the ring
$100 August 24, 79 AD
$200 Pyroclastic
$300 Hardened mud and rock
$400 Plaster (of Paris)
$500 3/5
$100 He was guarding
$200 He guarded
$300 You were filling
$400 You filled
$500 You all felt/sensed
$100 Pliny
$200 ash
$300 Cerberus
He was fearing/ was afraid $400 He was fearing/ was afraid
Age, Gender, or Social Status $500 Age, Gender, or Social Status
Mount Vesuvius Make your wager!
Describe how people died in the city of Pompeii.
a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.
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