Patriot Day – 9/11 13 years later we still remember Take your seat Take out a piece of paper Begin Warm-Up Warm-Up Why do we take time to remember what happened to our nation on September 11, 2001? Do you think the on going war against terror is still necessary? Why or why not? 1 paragraph Patriot Day – 9/11 13 years later we still remember
Today’s Agenda Warm-Up/Class Discussion Test Corrections/Test Make-ups Read chapter 3 section 1 (pages 66-72) and answer reading questions Today’s Agenda
Turn each question into an open ended question – if it isn’t one already Ex: 2. What ideas of the Enlightenment does the Declaration of Independence elaborate on? Answer each question using complete sentences 1 – 2 sentences per question Ex: The Declaration of Independence elaborates on the Enlightenment idea of … Use a book and notebook if you need to Test Corrections