Status of ECCE in Gilgit-Baltistan
Gilgit-Baltistan (Geography and Demography) Area 72,971 square kilometers (28,174 miles) Population 1.500 million District 10 Literacy Rate Overall 53% (10year or above) Male 66% Female 42% Source: MICS GB 2017
Education in GB Main Service Providers Sector Schools Enrolment Teacher Public Sector (Managed by GB Government) 1,284 151,756 6,593 Other Public Sector (Managed by FG and allied Departments) 644 45,069 1,719 Private Sector (Managed by Individuals/Groups) 686 125,341 8,114 All Sector 2,614 322,166 16,426
Sustainable Development Goals Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 4.2 by 2030 ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education
ECCE Status in GB Number of Children of ECCE age (3-4 years) 105249 Enrolled in Schools (All sectors) 64178 (61%) Government School offering ECE 350/1284 (27%) Students enrolled in Govt. Schools 27509 (43%) Students Enrolled (ECD-I&II) 10305 (66% in ECD-I) Students enrolled in other sectors 40744 (57%)
ECCE Status in GB Teachers qualifications No accredited qualifications in ECCE Indigenous certificates Courses in ECE (03-06 MONTHS) Short Training courses (01 week to 02 months) Inadequate Physical Infrastructure
Initiatives to align ECCE with SDG 4.2 Access Addressed ECE in GBES 2015-30 Created space in Annual Development Plan ECE made part of all new development plans (School Establishment) Developed minimum standards for Establishment of Schools Provision of ECE Kit and play material Created awareness among communities (MSGs) Legislation on Compulsory Education Act and Private School Regularity Authority
Initiatives to align ECCE with SDG 4.2 Quality Addressed ECE in GBES 2015-30 Developed minimum standards for Establishment of Schools Engage in dialogue with Universities in GB for introduction of ECE qualifications Provision of ECE Kit (age relevant material) Legislation on Compulsory Education Act and Private School Regularity Authority Establishment of Model Schools
Gaps ECE no priority of Government Accredited qualifications Standardized term and definition of ECE and age levels Less space in existing schools Less financial allocations In-existence of In-service Training Institution/mechanism ECE is not part of Teacher Education Curriculum
Way Forward Accredited qualifications Notification of Standardized term and definition of ECE and age levels at national level Basic Minimum Standards Parental Education CPD