“THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME” "This do in remembrance of me" - acrostic lesson Braggs church of Christ “THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME” Worship, Lord's Supper
Introduction Worshipping God is a vital part of our Christian life Jn. 4:24
Introduction The Lord’s Supper has been abused by many since the first century Brethren sometimes partake of it too carelessly
Introduction We need to eat the Lord’s Supper with reflection and gratitude What do you think about when the bread & fruit of the vine are passed in the assembly?
Introduction We need to eat the Lord’s Supper with reflection and gratitude What do you think about when the bread & fruit of the vine are passed in the assembly?
Introduction Mt. 26:26 ff Mk. 14 1 Cor. 11 Look back, within, without, ahead
Introduction The acrostic that we will look at today can be a help to keep our minds focused on what Jesus instructed us to do: “This do in remembrance of me”
Introduction You can use other words but they should be words that put emphasis on the Lord’s Supper and His death, burial and resurrection
THIS Thanks – I’m thankful we have the Lord’s Supper as a part of our worship Hope – Jn. 14:1-3 Institute – Jesus set up the L.S. 1 Cor. 11:23-26 Sayings of Jesus from the cross
DO Deliverer – Jesus is the Great Deliverer – Heb. 1:1-3 Obey – Heb. 5:8-9
IN Ignorance – not excused Acts 3:17; 17:30 Neglect – Sadly, some brethren are careless and neglect partaking of the Lord’s Supper as Jesus commanded
REMEMBRANCE Remember – Jesus willingly suffered and died for us Every Lord’s Day we are to partake Memorial – Greatest memorial on earth
REMEMBRANCE Enemies – Chief priests, Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes etc. – enemies today Manner – we must have the right attitude and partake in a “worthy manner”
REMEMBRANCE Buried – Mt. 27:57-60 Resurrection – 1 Cor. 15:1-4 Ascension – 40 days after his resurrection Nails – Jesus was nailed to the cross
REMEMBRANCE Crucified – shed His blood to save us from our sins Examine our hearts – Do what Jesus said for us to do
"This do in remembrance of me" - acrostic lesson Braggs church of Christ OF Once – Jesus offered Himself “once for all” Fellowship – When we eat the Lord’s Supper we are having fellowship with God and one another Worship, Lord's Supper
ME Master – He is my Master and tells me how I should live Eternity – Jesus invites us to live for Him now so we can be WITH Him in eternity