St Gregory’s Catholic High School
“Our commitment to Safeguarding, which can be expressed in the introduction to all our policies, will include everything the State asks of us but our inspiration, our Foundation, is the belief in the ‘sacred grandeur’ of our children. That is why we are never content with mere compliance, but always strive for best practice.”
What is Safeguarding? Protecting children from maltreatment Preventing impairment of children's health or development Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
Safeguarding: Our Role Safeguarding children is the action we all should take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.
The Role of the Designated Senior Lead (DSL) To take the lead responsibility for dealing with safeguarding and child protection in school. To act as a source of support, advice and expertise within school when deciding whether to make a referral by liaising with relevant agencies. To recognise how to identify signs of abuse and when it is appropriate and how to make a referral to Social Care.
The Role of the Designated Senior Lead (DSL) To provide whole school staff safeguarding training, recommended on a yearly basis. To be aware of the Warrington Safeguarding Children’s Board (WSCB) and how it operates. To attend child protection case conferences/ Child in Need/ Children in Care meetings and understand how to contribute effectively. To ensure all staff have access to and understand the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection and linked policies.
The Role of all School staff To report all concerns regarding child welfare immediately to the Designated Senior Lead or another member of the Safeguarding Team. In an emergency use numbers by phones in staffroom and offices. Be mindful and resilient of child protection signs and symptoms in the school setting. Be clear of your role and responsibility regarding your school safeguarding that is clearly stated in policy and procedures – badges, registers, updates, Out of Class pass
Schools ‘Safeguarding Suite’ of documents All staff must be aware of the Safeguarding and Child Protection policy and ensured this is embedded in real safeguarding practice. Safeguarding and Child Protection policy provides transparent and clear procedures for managing safeguarding issues in school. It is part of whole school staff induction and training.
Rules around staff conduct The welfare of the child is paramount. Safeguarding is the responsibility of all adults who work with children. Adults are responsible for their own actions. Adults should work and be seen to work in an appropriate and transparent way. Read and understand the policies. Attend a comprehensive Induction/training session and understand procedures when working with children Emma It is important that all adults working with children understand that the nature of their work and the responsibilities related to it, place them in a position of trust.
‘If you don’t share a risk... you own the risk’ St Gregory’s is a LISTENING school St Gregory’s is a TELLING school ‘If you don’t share a risk... you own the risk’
Safeguarding Team OUR MISSION STATEMENT Committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone in our community. ‘We work in partnership to create a living and vibrant community in which each member is valued’ ...everyone deserves to be listened to and treated with respect and dignity...
Designated Senior Leader (DSL) Deputy Designated Senior Leaders Safeguarding Team Designated Senior Leader (DSL) Rosemary Howard-Rigby Deputy Designated Senior Leaders Mr McLeod Mrs Adams Mr Morgan ( Mrs Hunt (CIC) Mrs Granton Mrs Pilkington Mrs McSorley Mrs Pacey Mrs Peace Nathan Whitlow (Chaplain)
Safeguarding Issues Social Media–cyber bullying/ sexting Mental Health/ Sectioning/ Depression Physical/Emotional/Sexual abuse Self Harm/Attempted suicide Body Image– eating disorders Domestic Violence Drugs-taking/supplying/dealing Smoking/Alcohol Gangs –peer pressure Bullying/Hate Crime Missing from home Arson Theft/shop lifting On-Line Gaming/gambling Bereavement/ Terminal Illnesses Child Sexual Exploitation Grooming Radicalisation/ Extremism Porn Rape Abortion Sexual Orientation/ Transgender Imprisonment of Family Member Dementia Legal Highs Run Hide Tell (Terrorism) Burglary Hoax News
Supportive Measures Operation Encompass Think Twice Register / Seating plans and personalisation Purple Forms Mobile Phone Policy Identification badges Daily Register – registration/each lesson Out of Class Passes Visitors signing in Electronic Gate CCTV EVOLVE Operation Encompass Fire Drill/ Evacuation/ Lockdown Procedures/ Risk Assessments Duty Rota/Zones Toilet doors Theme Weeks and Days PSHE
Care and Support Friends Teachers Augustine Centre staff School Health Advisor (Tuesdays) – Margaret Jaber External Mentors Outside Agencies Peer Mentors Young Leaders Anti-bullying Ambassadors School Council Youth Health Champions Intervention Groups 2%ers E-Safety Officers
Information Areas Noticeboard by Dining Room Young Carers’ board by Staffroom LRC – staff, books, leaflets Sharp System: on-line reporting Displays e.g. Hate Crime/Anti-Bullying/ Alcohol/ Well-being Agency Information: Augustine Centre/Pastoral Office Learning Organiser The Net – websites/telephone numbers KOOTH/ Happy Ok Sad/ Zumos Information Evenings/newsletters for Parents/Carers Website
CPOMS Child Protection Online Monitoring System Team records information Alert each other/discussed at weekly meetings Securely load documents Chronological events
Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility ‘If you don’t share a risk... you own the risk’