What a wonderful world Fun at the beach. Term 6 – Kipling class Personal, Social and Emotional Development As the children prepare for their last term in Reception the children will share their thoughts and feelings about changes. We will support their transition with lots of activities and begin new routines to get them ready for their next class. What a wonderful world Fun at the beach. Term 6 – Kipling class Expressive Arts and Design We will use our creative ideas to make up songs about the sea and accompany these with musical instruments. We will use paint, collage and clay to create our own ideas about the seaside, using the natural world to inspire our designs. Physical Development The children will get ready for sports day by developing their athletics skills, and will begin competing against each other, both individually and in teams. They will continue to develop their fine motor control by making masks, looking for treasure, and making their own sea creatures using malleable materials Literacy We will use stories related to the sea to continue our writing and reading skills. The children will write their own stories about the sea and incorporate their ideas from books and their own imagination. We will learn some poems about the sea and write our own based on our experiences of the seaside. We will continue to develop our Phonics skills. Mathematics We will continue working on addition and subtraction, using what we know to double, halve, share and add sets of numbers together. They will use money language whilst buying and selling in our sea side shop. We will be using different forms of measurements to find out how big some sea creatures are. Understanding the World We will be learning new words to talk about the seaside and how this compares to where we live. We will be learning about creatures that live in the sea and the things they need to stay alive. We will compare and contrast holidays at the seaside in the past and now. As we enter the summer months we will be looking at the changes that happen particularly as we visit the forest school. We will continue to use ICT to support our learning, using bee bots, iPads and computers in the ICT suite. Communication and Language The children will develop their ability to tell stories, using small world and role play situations to do so. They will be about to take on different role in the seaside café / shop and travel agent. We will listen to lots of stories about the sea and beaches and we will relate these to our own writing ideas. The children will learn lots of new words to talk about the seaside and some of the creatures that live under the sea.