Naviance 10th grade lesson
Log-on to Naviance Student Your view should be your homepage Go to “about me” Click on My Assessments
StrengthsExplorer Do you ever think: What type of personality do you have? Are your strengths in investigating your surroundings? Are you the person who your friends come to when they need someone to talk to? Know that your unique personality has strengths that you can continue to build on. Strengths Explorer is to find out more about your personality traits. You can only take this Assessment ONCE, so take it serious and be honest!
StrenthsExplorer Remember you can only take the StrenthsExplorer assessment ONCE!!! Be sure to take it serious!!! Select Strengths Explorer Assessment and then click on TAKE ASSESSMENT
Reviewing your Results
Reviewing your Results Be sure to mark at least 2 Pathways as your “Favorites” by clicking on the heart
SuperMatch College Search The College SuperMatch™ allows students to find colleges right for them where students can search for colleges that truly meet their wants and needs. Under Colleges, click on Find Your Fit and then select SuperMatch College Search Use the FILTERS at the top of the page to narrow your choices.
SuperMatch College Search Activities for Students Students are introduced to SuperMatch™. Students complete College SuperMatch™ by defining their needs on the left side of the screen. As students choose options important to them, the list of colleges will narrow within their results screen. Students do not need to choose options from each category. The more they choose, however, the more precise their list will be for them. Students respond to three questions based off of their experience in SuperMatch™: List three search options used. Why were these search options important? What colleges appeared in their results that they had not previously considered?
SuperMatch College Search Activities for Students Before participating in SuperMatch™, have students share why they are interested in certain colleges. In a group, have students decide what options or characteristics of a college are important to them. Allow students to share their SuperMatch™ college list and the options that led them to that list. Have students log into Family Connection to manage their list of colleges.
Colleges I’m Thinking About
Colleges I’m Thinking About One you select the schools you are thinking about (list on the left) – Click on Save Selection Click on Finished Searching Then select “Add to Colleges I’m Thinking About”
Resume Building You can start building your High School resume You can add new items to different sections as you progress through High School