Page 11 Literary device: “Two moonstones looked up at him”? Significance? Literary device: “Her face was like a snow-covered island”? Significance? What does the “but” suggest? What do we learn about Mildred-”her not caring whether it came or went”? What can we assume if the bottle is now “uncapped and empty”? Literary device: “The house screamed.” Why would the house scream? Literary device: “…as if two giant hands had torn ten thousand miles of black linen down the seam”? What do the jet bombers symbolize? What does it mean “the moonstones vanished”? Why did the author use the word “pulverize”?
Page 12 Who is the “they”? Literary device: “ a black cobra”? Significance? Why would the operator be “impersonal”? What had Mildred become? How do we know this event is commonplace?
Page 13 What does this mean “His anger did not even touch them”? Why would Montag be angry? What does this event suggest about our society during this time period? What does “liquid melancholy” mean? If the men “strolled out the door,” what does that suggest? Who is “this woman”?
Page 14 Literary device: “if only” What does this suggest? What is he wishing? Why is “laughter” out of the ordinary? What does this reference bring to mind from earlier in the story, “…and not forced in any way..”? What literary device is used again “talking, talking..”? What is the significance? What is the “hypnotic web”?
Page 15 Literary device: “his face a mask of ice”? Significance? What does the word “disposable” suggest? What is the bigger interpretation- what it is referring to? What trait does Montag possess “tucked the covers around her carefully”? Notice the punctuation in the paragraph that begins “One drop of rain”- what does this format suggest? Why the reference to rain? Why would Montag reply, “I don’t know anything anymore”? What is the significance of taking a sleep lozenge? Why would Montag get up quickly with his heart pumping and run down the hall?
Page 16 What is the role of technology? What are the “electronic bees”? Why was Mildred “expert lip reader”? What is the significance of this reference? Why do you suppose Montag doesn’t tell Mildred what happened the night before?
Page 17 Literary device: “…the entire world was dark gray”? What is the significance of the author’s word choice, “…the orange salamander burning across it”? Why does Montag look up at the air-conditioning vent? Read the exchange between Montag and Mildred; what trait does Mildred possess? Why would Montag respond “tiredly”?
Page 18 What does Mildred want? “And I should think that you’d consider me sometimes;” does Montag consider her sometimes? Why or Why Not? How is Montag feeling at the end of page 18? Support your answer with evidence.
Page 19 Why would the girl “ smile when she saw Montag”? Why would Montag ask, “What are you up to now?” Why would Montag respond, “Yes, I am”?
Page 20 Why would Clarisse be a “regular onion”? What does this mean? Support with evidence from the novel. What literary device is this? Identify a trait from this page for Clarisse and mark at least 2 pieces of evidence as support. Identify a trait from this page for Montag and mark at least 2 pieces of evidence as support.