2.4 Business Architecture For ESS Validation Q2018 Conference Training course on Data Integration and Validation Krakow, 26 June 2018 Vincent.TRONET@ec.europa.eu
Business Architecture What it does? Where does it take place? As-is situation To-be state and validation principles Severity levels and data acceptance process
What does the business architecture for validation do? Sets basic principles for validation in the ESS Defines the to-be state Clarifies the roles of Eurostat and Member States in the validation of data sent to Eurostat Clarifies how common validation services could be used by Member States and Eurostat
Focus of ESS.VIP Validation NSI ESTAT Validation takes place in several points of the ESS statistical production process
As-is situation
To-be state and Validation Principles KISS Where would you put principle ? The sooner, the better Well documented validation errors KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) Comply or explain Good enough is the new perfect Well-documented validation rules Trust, but verify Well documented validation errors The sooner, the better Well-documented validation rules Comply or explain A C Good enough is the new perfect D B Trust, but verify
Severity levels and acceptance Errors: Wrong values. Data containing errors are not considered acceptable. Warnings: suspicious values. Data with warnings may be accepted after justification. Information: Potentially suspicious values. Do not usually require further justification for acceptance. Minimum standard for compliance: data with no errors must be received before deadline
To VALIDATE we need…