Task Group Discussions Future-proofing our BrentAdviceSector
The Impact will deliver: Knowledge; Connection; Strength; Opportunity; Conversation; & Dialogue.
Key considerations for the community advice sector Five consistent key messages emerge across the sector, which require action: ONE The demand for advice is growing, and will continue to grow as the impact of changes to welfare reform take effect. Reduced household income is leading people who previously would not have required it to seek advice, and the advice that advisers are being required to provide is becoming more time intensive and complex in its nature. TWO Funding for advice is limited, and is likely to be cut further. Whilst advice providers are aware of this and are taking actions to deliver their services in as cost-efficient a manner as possible, significant challenges and uncertainties over their futures remain. THREE Funding cycles have had a significant impact on the ability of the advice sector to plan and maintain services and have resulted in loss of skills and resources. FOUR With specific reference to funding mechanisms, research suggests that budget reductions coupled with increasing demand mean a different approach to the funding, development and delivery of advice services is required. Additionally, research suggests that more must be done to promote the added value of advice services in order to protect budgets. FIVE Research places an emphasis on the importance of prevention and early intervention to address some of the issues associated with increased demand.
a smart idea in the making Co-working BrentAdviceXchange a smart idea in the making The Community Advice Xchange brings together under one roof, a partnership of local voluntary organisations who will provide high quality Information & Advice, and support access to services that meet individual needs and circumstances. Providing co-working space for grass-root agencies. Underpinned by an holistic approach The Xchange will offer two levels of support: Level 1: Provision of the low level information and advice necessary to manage own needs. Level 2: Referrals to specialist organisations that provide the services to meet individual needs. Based around the Law Centre we are continuing active discussions on an architectural feasibility study to deliver this initiative. Financial appraisal is being undertaken WILL KEEP YOU POSTED