Proposed catalytic cycle and thermodynamic properties Proposed catalytic cycle and thermodynamic properties. aFree energy for H2 evolution (kilocalories per mole) calculated from Eq. 4 with an equivalent of phenol. bFree energy of hydride transfer (kilocalories per mole) to form formate under 1 atm o... Proposed catalytic cycle and thermodynamic properties. aFree energy for H2 evolution (kilocalories per mole) calculated from Eq. 4 with an equivalent of phenol. bFree energy of hydride transfer (kilocalories per mole) to form formate under 1 atm of CO2 calculated using Eq. 6. Bianca M. Ceballos, and Jenny Y. Yang PNAS 2018;115:50:12686-12691 ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences