Technological Processes Chapter 13
Consider! What new communication technologies have developed over your life time? How have communication technologies changed over your parents’ life time? How have these new technologies affected the way you communicate? Have you have any difficulty adapting/adopting to new communication technologies? Do you know anyone who has had any difficulties adapting/adopting to new communication technologies?
Organizational Communication Technology Table 13.1 Characteristics of new technologies compared to traditional options Allow faster message transmission Allow communication among geographically dispersed participants Allow asynchronous communication (on-demand & at different points of time…this on-line course is asynchronous) Differ in terms of available cues (mediated vs. face-to-face) Provide new ways of addressing messages
Who Moved My Blackberry? Surfing at Work Video Resumes Today’s Workplace (also check the “Additional Readings” Page on the course web site) Corporate Espionage’ Thank You Notes: Spam? Who Moved My Blackberry? Surfing at Work Video Resumes Gender Differences in Web Use
Models of Communication Media Usage 1) Be able to explain what each model predicts. 2) Be able to describe key components of each model Media Richness Model Social Information Processing Model Dual-Capacity Model
Effects of Organizational Communication Technology Effects on communication content Effects on communication patterns Refer to “Case in Point” (p. 249) Effects on organizational structure Refer to “Case in Point” (p. 251) Paradoxes of Virtual Organizations (p. 252) *Refer to Spotlight on Scholarship (p. 247) *Consider how this on-line course differs from traditional, classroom-based course?
Take a look at how various approaches discussed this semester would consider the use of new communication technology (Table .13.2-p. 253) Make sure to participate on the Discussion Board on the course Web Site!