Nephrogenesis in vitro can be rescued in 3D co-cultures by siRNA treatment of Renca cells. Nephrogenesis in vitro can be rescued in 3D co-cultures by siRNA.


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Nephrogenesis in vitro can be rescued in 3D co-cultures by siRNA treatment of Renca cells. Nephrogenesis in vitro can be rescued in 3D co-cultures by siRNA treatment of Renca cells. (A-D) The Pax2+ tubular epithelial structures (in red) and glomeruli (arrowheads) were produced by dissociated and reaggregated embryonic kidney mesenchymal progenitor cells. (E-H) Few Pax2+ tubular epithelial structures were formed by MM after mixing with the control-siRNA-treated Renca cells. The Pax2+ tubular epithelial structures and glomeruli formation was again well visible after addition of Renca cells treated with Bnip3 siRNA (I-L) and Cav1 siRNA (M-P). These structures also partially formed if the Renca cells were treated by with Gsn siRNA (Q-T). 3D cultures were maintained for 4 days. Blue, nuclear stain (Hoechst); green, YFP; red, Pax2 immunostaining. Arrows indicate tubular epithelial structures. Scale bars: 20 µm. Qi Xu et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2017;10:1503-1515 © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd