Centre for Methodology and Informatics Research on Internet in Slovenia (RIS) University of Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences Centre for Methodology and Informatics http://www.ris.org/ http://www.fdvinfo.net/
Our expertise Leading developers of the time distance methodology (in cooperation with the founder, P. Sicherl) World leading research group for social networks (program PAJEK) Central global reference point for Web survey methodology (coordinators of the FP5 WebSM project) << http://www.websm.org/ The first Social Informatics study programmes (since 1985) << http://www.fdvinfo.net/ Project RIS (Research on Internet in Slovenia) << http://ris.org/
RIS – Research on Internet in Slovenia We have been researching the Internet since 1996 The leading and most comprehensive Slovenian institution for researching IS issues (involved in app. 20 EU projects). Rich series of data: telephone, web and face-to-face surveys are conducted regularly on a yearly basis among individuals, households, companies and educational institutions. Substantial research focuses on measuring ICT-related issues in the following fields: e-inclusion & digital divide, e-learning, e-government and e-democracy, e-health, e-banking and e-commerce, website visitation, telework, social aspects of mobile phone, ICT indicators and benchmarking IS.
Looking for a project which would need... Survey research among specific segments of non-users and/or unskilled users of ICT: Needs assessment survey (which content, language, what kind of design...) Market requirements, feasibility studies Reasons (external and internal barriers) for not using (specific) new technologies under which circumstances would they be willing to start using these technologies? What kind of resources/support would the users need/like to have?
Projects SOPRANO, Service Oriented PRogrammable smArt enviroNments for Older Europeans - “FP6 project” SAFE-SI – “Safer Internet Programe Plus”; a Slovenian national awareness node that promotes and supports awareness aimed at the protection and education of children and teenagers using Internet and new online technologies; http://www.safe.si/ STOPLINE.SI – “Safer Internet Programe Plus”; http://stopline.si/ EU KIDS ON LINE – “Safer Internet Programe Plus” eAccess4Inclusion, DG Employment and Social Affairs, Unit E2: Thematic Study to Analyse Policy Measures to promote Access to Information Technologies as a Means of Combating Social Exclusion. eUser: Evidence-based support for the design and delivery of user-centered online public services – “FP6 project” eInclusion@EU, Strengthening eInclusion & eAccessibility across Europe – “FP6 project” ESSI, European Social Survey Infrastructure – Improving Social Measurement in Europe – “FP6 project” TRANSFER EAST, Transfering Government to Business IST Good Practices to Eastern European New Member States E-Government, e-Health, e-Learning, Next steps in development of Information Society Services in the New Member States. The case of E-Government, e-Health and e-Learning WebSM – Web based data collection: On-line knowledge base and co-operation platform on methodology of Web-based data collection; http://websm.org/ ConsTrust, Increasing Trust and Confidence of Consumers in the Information Society – European Commission FG INFSO and Media UNITE, Unified e-Learning platform with high modularity and dynamics - “FP6 project”