“Joint project communication” - EU projects website - Rolf-Jan HOEVE INFORM Meeting – 15 June 2009
FAQ - General public ?
Introduction Project partners (EC, EZ, MA’s, Europe Direct) have largely identical communication goals. Join ‘communication’-forces. EU project information in The Netherlands No national overview Shattered information with different data Not easily accessible Not much transparency Decision 2008: set-up a joint communications website (communicating in partnership)
Goal Website instrumental to put ‘European projects on the map’. 1 central place with up to date information Customised dynamical information Power of separate abstracted maps, flawless integration in external websites via i-frames Management of ‘own’ data (authorities remain owner of the data) Avoiding double registrations
Inspiration websites-1 Main messages: Significant environmental challenges Cities have a big role to play: Both to help reduce: GHGs, Energy Consumption, etc And to start to adapt to climate change Some promising practice examples European Green Capital (starts 2010)
Inspiration websites-2 Main messages: Significant environmental challenges Cities have a big role to play: Both to help reduce: GHGs, Energy Consumption, etc And to start to adapt to climate change Some promising practice examples European Green Capital (starts 2010)
Inspiration websites–2a Main messages: Significant environmental challenges Cities have a big role to play: Both to help reduce: GHGs, Energy Consumption, etc And to start to adapt to climate change Some promising practice examples European Green Capital (starts 2010)
Comm. partnerships Main messages: Significant environmental challenges Cities have a big role to play: Both to help reduce: GHGs, Energy Consumption, etc And to start to adapt to climate change Some promising practice examples European Green Capital (starts 2010)
Comm. partnerships DG REGIO NL Ministries (Economic Affairs, Employment and Social Affairs, etc). Management Authorities NL Provinces NL Municipalities NGO’s (thematic projects) DG ENV (etc.)
Information networks ED-Network and other networks Organising communication-activities Website FAQ-service Existing cooperation (Youth in Action, LLL…… INFORM?) Main messages: Significant environmental challenges Cities have a big role to play: Both to help reduce: GHGs, Energy Consumption, etc And to start to adapt to climate change Some promising practice examples European Green Capital (starts 2010)
Multipl.: Team Europe Speakers group: Experienced speakers Lectures about various EU-topics Regular trainings too maintain knowledge up to date.
Multiplier websites THE END Other information websites Multipliers Main messages: Significant environmental challenges Cities have a big role to play: Both to help reduce: GHGs, Energy Consumption, etc And to start to adapt to climate change Some promising practice examples European Green Capital (starts 2010)