Presentation Outline 1 WBG Action Plan on Adaptation & Resilience Boosting Adaptation Finance Whole of Government Approach Mainstreaming Climate Risk Management Building Social Resilience 2 3 4 5
Small States are at the Frontline of Climate Change
What does this mean for Small States? Core Objectives Mainstream Finance What does this mean for Small States? Metrics
Resilience Building in Small States is Already Taking Place 25% of investments in Small States have Climate Adaptation co-benefits in FY 17 and FY 18 41% of investments in Small Island States have Climate Adaptation co-benefits in FY18
Boosting Adaptation Finance Ramping up Commitments Invest $50 billion - around $10 billion a year between FY21 and FY25 - in adaptation co-benefits. More financing opportunities for small states. Diversifying Instruments Continue to diversify portfolio of financial instruments, including use of Development Policy lending, contingent lines of credit and Program-for-Results financing. Mobilizing Private Sector Finance Work with countries to create enabling environment for private sector engagement in adaptation.
Whole of Government Approach Mainstream Adaptation at All Levels Support systematic climate risk management and upstream support to Ministries of Finance and Planning Example Fiji Vulnerability Assessment with interest for replication in Dominica
Mainstreaming Climate Risk Management Increasing Sectoral Resilience Support sectoral line-ministries with tools and analytics to systematically integrate climate risk management across sectors Example Transportation Sector in SIDS (e.g.: Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Cape Verde, Saint Vincent and Grenadines)
Building Social Resilience Leaving No One Behind Integrate social resilience, gender, and citizen engagement in all phases of adaptation planning and investment Example Jamaica Disaster Vulnerability Project. WBG and government developing a CERC to provide social safety net following natural disasters
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