Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Update on EU cluster initiatives and on the Cluster Internationalisation Programme EU Cluster Weeks.


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Presentation transcript:

Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Update on EU cluster initiatives and on the Cluster Internationalisation Programme EU Cluster Weeks – main Anchor Event Hannover Messe 1 April 2019 Hanover dr Ulla Engelmann Head of Unit DG GROW F2 Advanced Technologies, Clusters & Social Economy

EU Policy Framework for Clusters Investing in a smart, innovative & sustainable Industry: A renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy Strengthening Innovation in Europe's Regions: Strategies for resilient, inclusive & sustainable growth Europe's next leaders: The Start-up & Scale-up Initiative EU Policy Framework for Clusters

Ongoing European Cluster Initiatives Clusters as accelerators for innovation & industrial change Capacity-building Inter-regional & international cluster cooperation Cluster Excellence Programme

Cluster Internationalisation Programme for SMEs (COSME, €19M) Supporting SME access to global value chains through clusters European Cluster Collaboration Platform International cluster matchmaking events in third countries and Europe European Strategic Cluster Partnerships - Going International (ESCP-4i) "Clusters Go International" action

Priority Target Markets by European clusters 87% of European clusters interested to support internationalisation of their SMEs in third markets, only 34% actually doing it*. * Data based on a survey of 300 clusters across Europe conducted in June 2017

Administrative Arrangements to promote Cluster cooperation Administrative Arrangements on Cluster Cooperation are signed by DG GROW to promote policy exchanges and cluster cooperation with national authorities from third countries Objective: to facilitate linkages between clusters in mutual economic interest and better help SMEs find strategic partners USA (US Department of Commerce, April 2015) Korea (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy & KICOX, May 2018) Taiwan (Taipei Representative Office in the EU, June 2018) Canada (envisaged to be signed in June 2019) 1st EU-Canada Cluster Matchmaking Event, Toronto, 5-7 June Pre-networking event with 5 Canadian Superclusters in the context of the EU Cluster Week event, Hanover Messe, 1 April 2019

International Cluster Matchmaking events 2019 EU-Taiwan: 6-8 March, Lyon (France) Global industrie Fair - 24 EU and 12 TW clusters, 90 C2C and 134 C2B meetings Focus areas: Manufacturing technologies; Mechanical engineering; Smart industry and connected factory: co-botics, augmented reality, digitisation of production EU-South MED: 9-11 April, Casablanca (Morocco) Logismed Fair Focus areas: Transport and logistics; Agriculture and food industry; Energy and environment; ICT and Textile Europe: 14 May, European Cluster Conference, Bucharest (Romania) – open for 150 clusters EU-Canada: 5-7 June, Toronto (Canada) in cooperation with Canada’s 5 Superclusters Focus areas: Advanced manufacturing; digital industries, AI, agro-food and Blue Growth EU-Korea: 4Q 2019 (tbc)

EU 'Clusters Go International' action European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Going International (ESCP-4i) Promoting cluster cooperation for industrial leadership in global markets 25 Cluster Partnerships Going international (2018-2019, Budget: 7,24 mio €) 134 cluster organisations representing over 19,000 SMEs Supporting joint international strategies and SME collaboration with partners in third countries Next Call to be published Q2 2019 (8,3 Mio€ - 24 partnerships)

EU Cluster Partnerships targeting Canada 2018-2019 A total of 10 EU Cluster consortia are targeting cooperation with Canada : Advanced packaging – AdPAck (Phase 2) Digitisation of industry / advanced manfacturing systems - PIMAP – Photonics for International Markets and Application - DIA - European Digital Industry Alliance Medical devices – LASER-GO GLOBAL (Phase 2) - MAGIA- Medtech for Global internationalisation Agro-food - NF4 New Frontiers in Food (Phase 2) Mobility - MobiGoIn-Action (Phase 2) Space: earth observation application services - SPACE2IDGO (Phase 2) - SpaceWave for Blue Growth Geo-energy - Geo-Energy for the XXIst Century Important cooperation potential with Canada’s 5 Superclusters European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Going International

35 events organized until now Awareness-raising campaign across Europe on the role of clusters & their impact Feedback on common challenges & what needs to be done in the next generation of regional, national and EU cluster initiatives. Support to any national, regional and local cluster event that is: - organised by cluster stakeholders or - organised around 'cluster' topic/a specific topic closely related to it Call for application for organisations wishing to host national/regional cluster events under #EUClusterWeeks between 11/2018 – 04/2019 All the events on

Have your say about cluster-related policy developments at EU, national and regional level & discuss about hot topics (digitalisation, skills gap, circular Europe, shared value & social impact) Listen to feedback from EU Cluster Weeks events & comment on current/upcoming challenges & opportunities Team up with others by networking during the conference & engaging in the pre-conference EU matchmaking event. Cluster Award ceremony for: • EU Cluster Manager 2019 • European Strategic Cluster Partnership for Smart Specialisation Investments (ESCP-S3) • European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International (ESCPs-4i) • Innosup-1 partnerships Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Towards Joint Cluster Initiatives - Industry-focused actions guided by joint strategies of specialised SME intermediaries - Thematically targeted, with cross-regional and cross-sectoral outreach to SMEs - Channelling scale-up support to groups of SMEs to boost industrial transformation Building EU value chains, industrial modernisation & capacity building Skills upgrading, talent attraction & entrepreneurship acceleration Boosting internationalisation & access to global value chains

Thank you for your attention More information EU Cluster Portal: European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Going International ECCP Cluster Matchmaking Events @Clusters_EU COSME calls European Cluster Conference 2019 Thank you for your attention