Targets for Salmonella reduction in pigs Baseline surveys: reference values Slaughter pigs: 2007 (EU mean:10,3%) Breeding herds: 2008 (EU mean: 31,8%) Cost/benefit analysis required: mid 2010 (slaughter pigs), end 2010 (breeding pigs) Target setting: end 2010-beginning 2011 Control programmes including monitoring in all MS: 18 months after target setting No review of microbiological criteria in red meat currently considered
Report on mechanically separated meat (MSM) Request of the European Parliament and Council within the TSE Regulation Covering: Necessity: continued use supported Use: varying interpretation, influenced by visual and histological aspects, quality parameters and consumers perception Information policy: see ongoing discussion on labelling Publication expected in June
Import of composite products (CP) Regulation (EC) No 853/2004: products of animal origin in imported CP: only from countries and establishments permitted to import these products of animal origin Derogated until end of 2013 However, 2 steps introduction launched: Lifting of derogation for CP containing products of animal origin subjected to animal health rules (comitology: 2011) Risk-based final provision (co-decision by end of 2013)
R. (EC) No 853/2004 and distribution centres Supermarket distribution centres are retail establishments R. 853/2004 does not apply to retail, unless supply to other establishments except: If only storage or transport Supply is a marginal, localised and restricted activity National measures may apply
Antimicrobial treatment Chemical treatment Reviewed joint AFC/BIOHAZ (EFSA) guidance document published (risk of antimicrobial resistance to be addressed) Applicants invited to update their file for assessment Qualified majority requested if favourable assessment Steam pasteurisation: not prohibited Decontamination by recycled hot water: EFSA opinion requested
Review of meat inspection Round Table on 18 May 2010 Current provisions including flexibility Current practices and existing scientific advice Animal health and welfare relevance International context (CODEX, major trade partners) Further exchanges of views with Member States and all relevant private stakeholders planned Mandate to EFSA to ensure a risk based approach
Smoke Flavourings The first Union list on primary products for smoke flavourings EFSA has finished the evaluations (in total 11 products) The Commission currently preparing its proposal on the products which may remain on the market and on which conditions Stakeholders, including Clitravi, were consulted in March 2010 Adoption of the list foreseen before the end 2010
Nitrites Directive 2006/52/EC: new provisions for the use of nitrites in meat products. balance between formation of nitrosamines versus microbiological safety May 2008, more stringent national provisions in Denmark were accepted for two years. End 2009 Denmark reintroduced a new request, main arguments: No cases of botulism No influence on import After consulting EFSA and Member States, the Commission prepared a new Decision: Denmark can maintain its national provisions for another 5 years Commission will monitor how nitrites are used in the Member States in the different categories of meat products The Commission will consider if it is appropriate to propose an adaptation to Directive 2006/52/EC
Thrombin/Fibrinogen 8 February 2010 : Scofcah voted in favour of authorising the enzyme preparation Thrombin/fibrinogen in meat preparation/products. 27 April 2010: The European Parliament adopted a draft motion against it This motion will be voted in the EP plenary session of 17-20 May in Strasbourg. The Commissioner will defend the authorisation of this enzyme in meat: No safety concern according to EFSA. Consumer adequately informed (pre-packed product) Technological need (stabiliser). The products containing this enzyme and covered by the draft proposal should not be put on the market as processing aids
Cloning The issue is to assess the need, feasibility and proportionality of measures to regulate cloning in the EU Following the commitment of Commissioner Dalli during the hearings with the European Parliament, the Commission will present a report on cloning by the end of 2010. The report will consider all aspects of cloning for food production and will point out options on measures to be taken
Nutrient profiles Maximum levels of nutrients (saturated fat, sugars, sodium) above which nutrition and health claims are restricted / prohibited Legal requirement established by Regulation (EC)n°1924/2006 EFSA delivered its opinion, Stakeholders and Member States were consulted Meat, like other basic foods, could be exempted, while meat products would be subject to specific nutrient profiles Application 2 years after adoption (Standing Committee vote – Council and EP scrutiny)
Origin labelling of meat - Proposal on food information Voluntary unless its omission could mislead the consumer Country of origin = place of last substantial change If origin of the primary ingredient(s) differs from place of last substantial change, the origin of those ingredient(s) should also be given Meat - places of birth, rearing and slaughter EP – compulsory origin for some foods EP Plenary - 14 June 2010
Information on non prepacked food (Pre-packaging at retail level) Directive 2000/13/EC: Derogations by MS for non prepacked food or prepacked food for direct sale. FIC proposal: same approach but no derogation for allergens. Regulation = stricter rules. No request from EP and Council for different treatment of prepacked for direct sale.