KS1 Spring 2 Overview – Theme: Journeys


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Presentation transcript:

KS1 Spring 2 Overview – Theme: Journeys Art: Looking at real life examples of new life. Observational drawings of shoots, buds, Spring flowers. Use a variety of media to add to drawings – shading, charcoal, water colour paints, oil/chalk pastels, Visitor sharing stories of their journeys World Book Day: dress up as a book character Easter bonnet parade. PSHE: Heartsmart: Don’t rub it in, rub it out. Drugs & Safety Education RE: New Life at Easter English: My name is not refugee by Kate Milner A boy just like me by Frasier Cox Paddington Bear by Michael Bond Children will learn about the journeys many children have made to flee to safety from their home countries through powerful texts, the use of drama and respond through a variety of writing outcomes. KS1 Spring 2 Overview – Theme: Journeys Science: How will five a day help me to healthy? Children will learn about eating the right amounts of different types of food and hygiene. History : How have Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela helped make the world a better place? Maths: Fluency – Problem Solving - Reasoning Year 2: Fractions -Statistics – Properties of Shape – Arithmetic Year 1: Place Value to 50 – Multiples of 2, 5 and 10 – Measurement: length, height, weight and volume Music: Are we in time for this music? Children to play tuned and untuned instruments musically listen with concentration keeping in beat. Children to keep in time when singing a variety of songs. Computing: Creating a Picture - Using Purple Mash tool 2Paint a Picture PE – Year 2: dance Year 1/2 and Year 1: Games

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