Non-communicable Diseases control Experience of Oman Dr Sulaiman Al-Shereiqi; MD, MHA, MPH Dept. Non-communicable diseases surveillance & ctrl 1
Structure & history of NCD services Developed in size (from section to full dept.) in 2003 Covered services: - Mainly diabetes - Screening for NCDs - Tobacco control advocating activities - Program for eye and ear health program - Gearing for developing cancer services - Gearing for CVDs (hypertension & stroke) - Developed national strategy (DPAS) - Support for program for mental health Surveillance: cancer & diabetes registries Priority planning with other dept (Nutrition, Hlth Edu, School Hlth) No health accounts to estimate costs
Main achievements Implemented a nationwide screening program for some NCD since 2007 National Strategy for diet & PA Maintaining good cancer registry Section responsible for tobacco Ctrl Coordination with GCC countries for NCD control plan to 2025 Currently reforming NCD services inline with HCS vision for health 2050
Main challenges Preventive services poorly financed Identifying common priorities with other concerned departments Getting other stakeholders in action
Lessons learned Higher political involvement in setting strategies for NCD control is essential element for success When planning NCD control strategies and implementation plans, carefully consider: - budgeting - human resources - training
Lessons learned (cont.) Healthy cities projects work but require good marketing and funding Screening programs are effective but public acceptance is moderate Tobacco control achieve better with policy changes & taxation NCD intervention programs require focused training programs targeting nursing & nutritionist
Next steps Improve institution-based preventive services & develop community-based preventive services Strengthening PHC with specialized diabetes & metabolic synd. Clinics Reform tertiary care for better access & equity Work with other stakeholders to plan to establish community health services Implement the NCD control strategy & DPAS
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