Committee Report Senate Academic Affairs Committee (SAAC) May 14, 2019 Kate Brown, Ph.D. School of Business and Technology
Business, Management and Accounting Change prerequisite for BUAD 253 Business Statistics I from BUAD 252 Business Calculus to MATH 109 College Algebra with a grade of C or better. Add two new elective courses: BUAD 305 Business Analytics I and BUAD 405 Business Analytics II. Courses will be taught in rotation with other electives so no resource implications.
Kinesiology Health Fitness Concentration Addition: Add EXSC 350 Sports Governance. Class will be electives for the Exercise Science major taught in rotation with other electives with no resource implications. (missed from last report)
Human Ecology Add two elective courses to Child Development program: CHDE 369 Intro to Sustainability and Environmental Education for Young Children CHDE 320 Math Play: Early Mathematics Development and Learning Courses have been developed to fill objectives of Title III grant and will allow CHDE students to take electives in their subject rather than have to fill the elective requirements from other programs. Courses will update material in area of child development and strengthen program outcomes. Courses will be taught in rotation with no resource implications
Natural Science Change course number: ENVS 488B to ENVS 410 Applied Coastal Ecology experimental number to permanent. Add BIOL 472 Ichthyology currently taught at graduate level. Will provide additional elective to undergraduates. Will be taught in rotation. No resource implications. Add BIOL 473 Ichthyology Laboratory
Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Program has Director and Department Chair Dr. Tiffany Maxwell. Program needs to provide a self study for Provisional Accreditation by July 29 2019 Changes summarized in memo are required for accreditation by ARC-PA. Recommend approval of package as written.
Mathematics Change prerequisites for the following math courses to have prerequisites require a grade of at least a C: MATH 210, MATH 211, MATH 212, MATH 232, MATH 241, MATH 300, MATH 301, MATH 302, MATH 304, MATH 309, MATH 310, MATH 321, MATH 323, MATH 342, MATH 350, MATH 360, MATH 410, MATH 411, MATH 412, MATH 413, MATH 440, MATH 442, MATH 443, MATH 444, MATH 455, MATH 499 MATH 490 “To be taken in the semester of graduation” MATH 498 “Permission of Instructor” “
Thank You!