Effective Essay Writing Center for Academic Student Achievement Ashley Smith AIM
Two Essays “In-Class” Essay “Out-of-Class” Essay
Identify Topic Syllabus/Professor Preliminary Research Answer the question Identify/defend your opinion
Developing a Strong Thesis Thesis tell what your paper is about- be direct and to the point. Avoid Fluff Ex: My position is ______ because X,Y,Z. Biol: Oso Bay is considered a wetland due to the diversity of plant species, climate, and marine life. Hist: The causes of the Civil War include the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Election of 1860.
Structure/Outline Write your argument. What are the main points you want to hit? What is the flow of your argument? Are there any… Examples Quotes Research/statistics
Write Intro explanation to your Point Evidence How point relates to thesis POINT ONE leads to POINT TWO which leads to POINT THREE therefore THESIS is true!
Intro & Conclusion In class essay- USUALLY only need one good sentence for each. Out-of-class essay- May need a full paragraph or longer for each.
Proving your Point Anticipate & Address Objections- find the other side of the argument and discredit. This can be done even in informative type essays- by proving each issue to be more significant than other issues. Organization is also a great way to prove your point! Ex: using your strongest points for the beginning and end.
Read Always re-read the entire essay once you finish! If you have the time, have someone else read over it.
Revision Look over rubric and make sure you address everything the instructor wants you to. Be focused, and prioritize. Make sure it is in the proper font/format! DO NOT TRUST SPELL CHECK!!!!
In-Class Strategies Talk to seminar, SI leaders, Professors Jot down thoughts- quick outline Be direct when you answer the question Re-write the question in you answer- even if you don’t know it, at least attempt it!
More In-Class Strategies Use any pertinent vocabulary words and define them-this shows your professor you know what you are talking about. If you are running out of time outline the rest of the essay. Keep track of your time- prioritize.
Out-of-Class Strategies Don’t procrastinate. You want to have enough time to have other people look over your work. Read your paper backwards- start from the end. Finish your paper at least a day early so you can put it away and come back to it. Move from writer to reader
Online Citation Machines It is ok to use these resources!!!!! It is a great way to make sure your bibliography is in the correct format! http://www.citationmachine.net/ Helpful Site- http://owl.english.purdue.edu/
Get Help! Your Professor WRITING CENTER!!!!!!!!! Smarthinking.com