A E P C Consultative Workshop On Vocational Training for Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification 10-11 March Dubai,UAE On-Going Initiative for Vocational and Skills Training for Renewable Energy Technologies in Nepal Jagadish Kumar Khoju Senior Engineer/Community Electrification Programme Manager Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Government of Nepal
Background Nepal Location: Southern slopes of the Himalayas Area: 147,181 sq.km.
67% population have access to electricity including 14% from RETs
THE RE GRADUATION STEPS IN NEPAL Adaptive research, Technology transfer (60s) Adaptive research, pilot programmes, ad-hoc policies (1980-90s) Setting targets, policy planning, resource allocation, capacity building, institution building (1990-2010) Scaling-up, PPP, mainstreaming RE in energy supply, linking with economy, upgrading technology, mini-grid; making coherent policies , linking with environment and external costs (2010-2030) Scale Time
POTENTIAL AND ACHIEVEMENT Wind (Potential 3000 MW & Progress-Pilot projects) Micro-hydro (Potential >100MW & Progress ~ 27 MW HHs Biogas (Potential 1.1 million & Progress ~0.300 million plants) IWM (Potential 25,000 & Progress ~8,500) Bio-fuel (Potential 1100,000 tons & Progress- piloting ICS (Potential 2.5 Million & Progress ~0.70 Million hhs) SHS (Potential 4.7 kWh/m2/day & Progress ~0.49 million hhs; 7.2 MW) Solar dryer & cooker (3200 HHs) Institutional Solar System/Solar water pumping (200, 000 HHs)
RE Sector Capacity Government of Nepal/ AEPC Private Sector Consumers Civil Society, Academic Institutions Renewable Energy Sector Quality Control, Assurance, Guiding Policy, Incentives Demand System and Service Delivery Awareness and Consumer Rights, Training, R & D
Organisations Involving on RE Capacity Building Services S.N Organisations Involving on RE Capacity Building Services 1. AEPC and its programs/projects Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) Energy Sector Assistance Programme (ESAP) Rural Energy Development Programme (REDP) Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL) Programme Renewable Energy Project (REP) National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) 2. International non-government organisations (INGOs) Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) Winrock International Nepal Practical Action Nepal 3. National non-government organisation (NGOs) Biogas Sector Partnership Nepal (BSP/N) Center for Rural technology (CRT/N) People, Energy and Environment Development Association (PEEDA) 4. Associations of local government bodies (DDCs and VDCs) Association of District Development Committees (ADDCN) National Association of Village Development Committees (NAVIN) 5. Associations of RE private sector manufacturing/ installation and consulting firms/professionals Nepal Micro Hydro Power Development Association (NMHDA) Nepal Biogas Promotion Association (NBPA Solar Electric Manufacturers Association (SEMAN) Water and Energy Consultants’ Association Nepal (WECAN) Management Association of Nepal (MAN) 6. Academic/ training institutions Centre for Energy Studies(CES)/Institute of Engineering Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI) 7. Consulting private firms Organisational Development Centre (ODC) Human Resource Development Centre (HURDEC)
Vocational and Skill Training in Micro Hydro Sector The first micro hydro operators training conducted for in 1996 with support of ITDG/Nepal 45 times micro hydro operators conducted and total 933 micro hydro operators trained (AEPC-NMHDA jointly support) The first advanced micro hydro operators training conducted for Micro Hydro Operators in 1999 10 times advanced micro hydro operators conducted and total 194 advanced micro hydro operators trained
Vocational and Skill Training in Micro Hydro Sector The first micro hydro installers training conducted in 2012 with the support of AEPC 3 times micro hydro installers training conducted and total 75 micro hydro installers trained
Vocational and Skill Training in Solar Solar Electricity Sector The solar electric technician level – 1 (mandatory for solar PV installation) with support of AEPC- SEMAN 52 times micro hydro operators conducted and total 3334 micro hydro operators trained The solar electric technician level –II (mandatory for solar PV repair and maintenance) 16 times advanced micro hydro operators conducted and total 164 solar electric technician level- II trained
New Innovation in the Sector Established of Regional Centre for Excellence of Micro Hydro Power (RCEMH) in the support of USAID Established of RE-Source (LCDF- Local Capacity Development Facility) in the support of SNV and SNV interest for establishing of Regional Centre for Excellence of Biogas (RCEB) Establishment of micro hydro training centre (NMHDA initiation) supported by AEPC Support for Kathmandu University’s Turbine Testing Lab (KU’ TTL) and Renewable Energy Testing Station (RETS) of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) Development of Francis Turbine and support for enhancing manufacturing capacity of private manufacturing companies.
A E P C Thank you Û
Looking Forward to Work with You Together !! For further information: Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Khumaltar, Lalitpur PO Box 14237, Kathmandu Tel. No - 5539390, 5548468 E-mail: jagadish.khoju@aepc.gov.np www.aepc.gov.np