Bell work How does fascism take control of gov’t in a country? How does socialism take control of gov’t in a country? How could people get rid of a leader they elected but turned out to be a betrayer?
The rise of dictators In Europe after wwi
The treaty of Versailles & the league of nations Main Idea: By 1939, many European countries had dictatorial governments that meant to control every aspect of their lives for state goals.
The treaty of Versailles & the league of nations These tried to establish peace in the West Unsuccessful France & Britain only democratic governments In Italy, S.U. and Germany- dictators emerge
Italy 1. Use of Fascism -single leader (Mussolini) -use of propaganda -individual freedom less important than good of all people -people controlled by the gov’t -Economic problems in Italy
ITALY -Fear of communism (like in Russia) -Middle class fears workers -Outlaw of opposing parties -Control of mass media
Italy -Use of Youth Groups -Mussolini not able to gain complete control of Italy -Influenced Hitler-led to his policies in Germany
Soviet union -After fall of Nicholas & provisional gov’t, Lenin & Bolsheviks in power -peasants took advantage of system -famine, drought & not enough food -5 million dead
Soviet union -Lenin left war communism & went back to capitalism -sale of food, retail stores, & private ownership -created the USSR -New Economic Policy successful
Soviet union -Trotsky vs. Stalin -Trotsky wanted industrialization of Russia & widespread of communism world wide -This would hurt peasants -Stalin was able to get rid of Bolsheviks & ordered the death of Trotsky -Stalin became leader of Communist party in Russia
Eastern europe -Rise in authoritarian govt’s -Austria, Poland, Romania, etc. -not experienced, new nations -population; uneducated -large landowners still in control of politics & didn’t want to give up power -only Czech. democratic
Bell work Take out your notes from yesterday… List two factors that show why the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations failed to maintain peace. Why did most of the Eastern European nations have dictatorships after WWI?
Spain -Civil War in 1936 -Francisco Franco vs. Democratic gov’t -Franco received help from Hitler & Mussolini (money & weapons) -Became dictator -Favored landowners, business people & Catholic clergy -Did not control all people’s lives
Bell work Take out your life under Stalin video questions from yesterday. Based on what you’ve seen so far, what type of leader is Stalin? Who seems to benefit the most and who benefits the least under his rule?
Bell work Take out your reading essentials (hw) How did Hitler gain power in Germany? Did anyone benefit from Hitler’s rise to power?
Bell work Take out your Life Under Adolf Hitler video questions from yesterday… What did Hitler do to anyone who opposed him? And who did have to help him? How did Hitler help Germany get out of the Great Depression?