Fig. 1. GFP expression in blood and lymphatic vessels of Tg(Flk1:eGFP) tadpoles.All panels depict lateral views of the tadpoles, head facing left. GFP expression in blood and lymphatic vessels of Tg(Flk1:eGFP) tadpoles.All panels depict lateral views of the tadpoles, head facing left. (A) Stage 40–45 Tg(Flk1:eGFP) tadpole showing GFP signal in the entire blood and lymphatic vasculature. (B) Higher magnification of fluorescent LH (encircled) and connecting lymphatic vessels in a stage 45 tadpole. The region demarcated by the left square in panel A is shown. (C) Higher magnification of GFP+ blood and lymphatic vessels in the trunk of a stage 45 tadpole. The region demarcated by the right square in panel A is shown. (D) Angiography by intracardial injection of high molecular TRITC-dextran exclusively labeled the blood vasculature (shown in orange). (E) Reversely, lymphangiography by injecting the TRITC-dextran dye in the fin adjacent to the DCLV (black asterisk denotes site of injection), showing specific uptake of the dye by the lymphatics (shown in orange) and draining towards the lymph heart. Inset shows higher magnification of the zone proximal to the injection site. CLD, cephalic lymph duct; DA, dorsal aorta; DCLV, dorsal caudal lymph vessel; DLAV, dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel; ISV, intersomitic vessel; LH, lymph heart; LLD, lateral lymph duct; PCV, posterior cardinal vein; VCLV, ventral caudal lymphatic vessel. Scale bars: 500 µm (A), 200 µm (B–E). Annelii Ny et al. Biology Open 2013;bio.20134739 © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd