ecbi The way forward after Copenhagen on Adaptation Saleemul Huq, Senior Fellow, IIED european capacity building initiative initiative européenne de renforcement des capacités for sustained capacity building in support of international climate change negotiations pour un renforcement durable des capacités en appui aux négociations internationales sur les changements climatiques
Negotiation text from Bali to Copenhagen Significant breakthrough in COP13 to get adaptation included as a major building block of the Bali Action Plan in December 2007 Between COP13 in December 2007 and COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009 significant progress was made on the negotiating text on the Adaptation track under the AWG-LCA Adaptation text was very near to completion at the end of COP15 (except for funding issues)
Adaptation Funding from COP15 The Copenhagen Accord agreed 30 Billion USD over 3 year from 2010-2013 which would go to a large extent to the vulnerable developing countries (including Africa and LDCs) for adaptation The channels for funding and utilisation of adaptation money still need to be worked out (e.g by the High Level Panel that has been set up by the Secretary General of the UN with the Prime Minister of UK and Ethiopia as co-chairs
Some positive outcomes form Copenhagen for Vulnerable countries Presence of Head of State and other Senior Ministers has given climate change a much higher political profile in each vulnerable country Presence of Large members of civil society involvement in pre-COP activities and presence in Copenhagen has raised levels of awareness of climate change in civil society in almost every vulnerable country Presence of media from all the vulnerable developing countries has raised general levels of awareness in each country
What needs to be done? Enhanced levels of awareness on climate change needs to be captured and built upon. UNFCCC Focal Points/Climate Change Cells/Depts in Government need to engage pro-actively with other key ministries (e.g. Ministry of Finance, Foreign Affairs etc..) and Civil Society Implementation of NAPA projects need to be prioritised by the LDCs Need to build capacity and knowledge among key actors (e.g. government, diplomats, parliamentarians, NGOs etc.) at national level Need to start strategic climate changing & Development Planning (e.g. Bangladesh) 6 Broad policy direction themes
Example of Bangladesh One of the first to complete NAPA Realised limitation of NAPA (small adaptation projects only) Developed Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (CCSAP) including Adaptation and mitigation Previous government allocated 50 Million USD to implement CCSAP in 2009 New government allocated another 50 Million USD in 2010 to implement CCSAP Set-up a Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) for Climate Change with government, donor and civil society representation on governing body Received pledges of 100M USD from donor countries (including UK , Denmark, Sweden, Japan, etc)