2019 Las Positas College Commencement
Check the website often for the most up to date information Event Information Las Positas College 3000 Campus Hill Drive Livermore, CA 94551 Saturday, May 25, 2019 www.laspositascollege.edu/graduation/ Check the website often for the most up to date information
When to arrive for graduation? Graduates should arrive to Las Positas College, Building 2400, Rm 2401, at 8:15 a.m., no later than 8:30 a.m. SHARP! Late arrivals may not be accommodated. Due to the timing of the ceremony, there is no opportunity to leave the venue once you arrive. Family and friends are not allowed in the registration area and will be asked to leave the venue. NOTE: Children may not participate in the ceremony with graduating parent.
What not to bring to graduation? Graduates are encouraged not to bring backpacks, handbags, and purses to graduation. There is no opportunity to stow your items. Travel light!
How to dress for the event? Graduates should arrive wearing their graduation regalia (cap, gown, with tassel hanging from the front right side of cap). Regalia are not available for rent or purchase the day of the event. You are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes. Gowns are to remain zipped up and closed throughout the ceremony.
How to dress for the event? Only the tops of caps may be tastefully decorated. Keep the cap tassel on the right hand side until directed to move it from the right to left by the College President during the commencement ceremony. Remember: Travel light as personal items may not be stowed in the registration area.
Need an accommodation? Graduates and guests requiring access mobility seating should contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to make arrangements prior to receiving tickets the week of May 13th. Call Ana Espana, 925.424.1510. Alternatively, graduates may fill out the on-line access mobility form and bring it with you when picking up tickets (no need to call ahead).
Guest information The ceremony is located at the Physical Education Complex, Building 2500. DOORS OPEN promptly at 9:30 a.m. and close at 10:15 a.m. Guests should arrive early to campus to find parking due to increased traffic. Parking permits are not required on graduation day. However, all other parking regulations will be in full effect. Parking lots “P” and “E” are closest to the venue.
How to participate in the event? Graduates will line up and will walk in together into the Physical Education Complex, Building 2500, where Commencement will take place. College officials will help direct graduates to their seats.
How to participate in the event? Once in the Physical Education Complex, graduates will be asked to remain standing while faculty and stage members enter. The College President will direct graduates to sit to officially begin the ceremony.
What to expect during the event? Graduates should not bring devices to make noise or will disrupt the event. Graduates who do not remain seated or disrupt the event will be asked to leave the ceremony. There will be a zero tolerance. Family and friends are not allowed on the Gym floor during the ceremony. Please do not leave your seat to approach graduates.
What to expect during the event? Graduates should ensure that their cellphones are on silent or vibrate throughout the ceremony. Graduates should use the restrooms prior to the ceremony.
Preparing to walk across the stage Graduates should stand when directed by the college official. Graduates should prepare to give their name cards to the readers prior to walking up the ramp to the stage.
Walking across the stage Graduates will be required to walk up the ramp to the stage from the left hand side. Graduates will receive their diploma covers with their left hand. Graduates will shake with their right hand.
Walking across the stage Graduates will shake hands with the College President and the Chancellor. Graduates will then pose to take a picture to be taken by a professional photographer.
Walking across the stage Graduates will then be directed to walk down the ramp along the right hand side of the stage. Graduates will then be expected to return to their assigned seats. Line marshals will direct graduates.
What happens after graduation? Graduates will be asked to remain in their seats until the stage members and the faculty have exited the building.
What happens after graduation? Graduates will be able to take pictures on stage or outside. Graduates should prepare to meet their families and friends in a designated location outside of the Physical Education Complex.
Official diplomas? Graduates will only receive diploma covers during the event. Diplomas/certificates are available for pick-up at the Admissions and Records Office. Notification occurs early Fall semester. If mailed, a small processing fee is charged.
Like Us on Social Media Graduates are encouraged to tag their graduation photos or like Las Positas College Facebook site following the event. #LPC2019 and @LPCOfficial. Share photos and comments on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram #OfficialLPC.
Need Additional Information? Please contact… Julie Thornburg, Commencement Coordinator Telephone: (925) 424-1406 E-mail: Jthornburg@laspositascollege.edu Visit: Student Services & Administration Building, Room 1669