A highly conserved six-amino-acid region in the C-terminal CT domain of MARCH8 is responsible for its ability to downregulate TfR. A highly conserved six-amino-acid region in the C-terminal CT domain of MARCH8 is responsible for its ability to downregulate TfR. HeLa cells transfected with plasmids encoding the C-terminal deletion mutants of MARCH8–myc chimeras were processed for IF analysis with anti-myc and anti-TfR antibodies. The cells expressing MARCH8–myc (green in Merge) are indicated by the yellow dotted lines. The localization and expression of endogenous TfR are shown in red. Scale bar: 20 µm. Hideaki Fujita et al. J Cell Sci 2013;126:2798-2809 © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd