Fig. 5. Comparisons of mean monthly temperatures at the 12 places where we measured tits. Comparisons of mean monthly temperatures at the 12 places where we measured tits. The diagram at top left shows the actual mean monthly temperature in degree centigrade at the reference locality in SW Sweden, averaged over each of two partly overlapping 30-year periods, 1931–1960 and 1951–1980. The other diagrams show local deviations from the mean monthly temperatures recorded in SW Sweden during the period 1931–1960. The vertical bars to the right of the top left diagram show the mean yearly temperature in SW Sweden for the two 30-year periods. Bars to the right of the other diagrams show local deviations from the mean yearly reference temperature in SW Sweden. Temperature was recorded at meteorological stations near the respective sampling place. Data were obtained from The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Norrköping, for the periods 1931–60 and 1951–80; The Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, for the period 1931–60; and The Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, regarding the island of Åland for the period 1951–80. R. Åke Norberg, and Ulla M. Lindhe Norberg Biology Open 2015;bio.013839 © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd