Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 6 Devotional service is the only way of SELF satisfaction.
Text 35 yamädibhir yoga-pathaiù käma-lobha-hato muhuù mukunda-sevayä yadvat tathätmäddhä na çämyati It is true that by practicing restraint of the senses by the yoga system one can get relief from the disturbances of desire and lust, but this is not sufficient to give satisfaction to the soul, for this [satisfaction] is derived from devotional service to the Personality of Godhead.
Pure Devotional Service The senses are considered like venomous serpents, and the yoga system is just to control them. By his experience, Narada says that devotional service to the Lord is more effective and practical than the system of artificially controlling the senses. Pure devotional service of the Lord, without being tinged with fruitive work, mystic yoga or speculative philosophy, is the foremost procedure to attain self-realization.
Text 36 sarvaà tad idam äkhyätaà yat påñöo 'haà tvayänagha janma-karma-rahasyaà me bhavataç cätma-toñaëam O Vyäsadeva, you are freed from all sins. Thus I have explained my birth and activities for self-realization, as you asked. All this will be conducive for your personal satisfaction also.
Glories of Devotional service from a saint like Narada. Importance of hearing – gradual development of detachment – janayati asu vairagyam… Having the audience of the Lord is also possible through that process. All the mysteries of transcendental realization are duly experienced by Närada Muni himself and glories of Devotional Service, which are hardly delineated even in the original texts of the Vedas.
Text 37-38 süta uväca evaà sambhäñya bhagavän närado väsavé-sutam ämantrya véëäà raëayan yayau yädåcchiko muniù aho devarñir dhanyo 'yaà yat-kértià çärìgadhanvanaù gäyan mädyann idaà tantryä ramayaty äturaà jagat Süta Gosvämé said: Thus addressing Vyäsadeva, Çréla Närada Muni took leave of him, and vibrating on his véëä instrument, he left to wander at his free will. All glory and success to Çréla Närada Muni because he glorifies the activities of the Personality of Godhead, and so doing he himself takes pleasure and also enlivens all the distressed souls of the universe.
Desire for freedom Every living being is anxious for full freedom because that is his transcendental nature. And this freedom is obtained only through the transcendental service of the Lord. Illusioned by the external energy, everyone thinks that he is free, but actually he is bound up by the laws of nature. In all spheres of devotional service, freedom is the main pivot.
Freedom through devotional service. Without freedom there is no execution of devotional service. The freedom surrendered to the Lord does not mean that the devotee becomes dependent in every respect. To surrender unto the Lord through the transparent medium of the spiritual master is to attain complete freedom of life.