Are all Gasoline Brands the Same? Reed (CTSVETT) As researched on the internet
Exec Summary According to gasoline distributors, all gas is almost identical: it is a commodity and traded as such Difference is in the additives that different manufacturers put in the gas Additives (or detergents) help keep the injectors/ intakes/ valves clean Level or station quality is also an issue Cheaper gas usually means cheaper additive and less ability to keep your fuel system clean
All Gas IS the same! The distribution of Gas occurs on a mass scale through national pipelines. All gas flows through common pipelines in the US to the distributors. All of this gas must meet the minimum Federal gas quality requirement In most cases, various brands actually are pumped from the same distributor Base gas is a freely traded commodity that must meet certain government specifications. It flows through common pipelines into commingled storage tanks
Gas DOES differ by region For emissions reason, there is a different formulation of base gas by region.
But it is different Gas Differs in the additives that are put into the gasoline. At the point of distribution (where the gas flows into the truck) different brands add different additives –Techron, Cleantech, etc –At a rate of measured squirt to 40 gallons The major brands spend R-and-D money on patented additives, which they add to the basic gas
What do the additives do Chevron- Techron (most expensive additive) – keeps combustion chambers free of deposits while "some of" its competitors' additives will increase these deposits Additives are patented formulations of chemicals intended to keep Valves, Intakes, and Injectors clean –Prevent build-up of varnish –Keep car operating as designed Goal of additives forming less deposits when the gasoline burns, for better mileage, performance and exhaust emissions
What the additives are: octane-enhancing additives ( improve octane ratings ) anti-oxidants ( inhibit gum formation, improve stability ) metal deactivators ( inhibit gum formation, improve stability ) deposit modifiers ( reduce deposits, spark-plug fouling and preignition ) surfactants ( prevent icing, improve vaporisation, inhibit deposits, reduce NOx emissions ) freezing point depressants ( prevent icing ) corrosion inhibitors ( prevent gasoline corroding storage tanks ) dyes ( product colour for safety or regulatory purposes ).
Clogged injectors based on type of injectors Early Bosch style most prone to clogging –Used until 1989 In 1989 GM introduced the Multec injector –Ball style spray valve –Less prone to clogging Injector has very small orifice –Very little residue can clog injectors Goal is to keep orifice clean and promote Cone shaped spray pattern for best combustion
What happens if the injector is Clogged When injector is clogged, Gas tends to stream versus Spray This causes the combustion to be less efficient –Loss of fuel economy –Poor performance (stuttering/loss of acceleration) Goal is a Cone shaped Spray for maximum efficiency
How to keep injectors Clean Using fuel tank additives (one bottle/tank) –Expensive –Harsh on other parts of the engine Ritual Cleaning of injectors –Very expensive (requires removing the injector from the car and cleaning) New Injectors –Up to $100 each (x the number of cylinders you have: example: $800 + labor for a V8) Using Fuel additives (techron, etc) that promote cleaning injectors. –Usually a few cents more per gallon –Continually clean the system –No extra effort
Quality of Pumping Station also an Issue When gas is dispensed at pump, it is run through filters Some stations use single filters others use double The more filtration the better because it removes impurities from the fuel before it enters your car Cheaper stations do not change the filter as often or use single filtration
Which stations Cheat on you? Some stations also cheat –Sell you 87/89 instead of 91 –Improperly charge in contradiction to what the price is marked Survey paramters: –875 stations surveyed out of population of over 10,000 stations –Mixed branded (Exxon, Mobil, Chevron,etc) versus independent stations Results of survey: –Branded stations have a.4% higher overall compliance –Independent stations had a.47% higher chance of charging you more than marked –Independents had a 10% higher storage tank violation- leads to dirtier gasoline Bottom Line: DONT USE INDEPENTENTS! Source: Department of measurement standards: California
So, why not Arco? Most suppliers of quality Gasolines will formulate similar additives into their products, and cheaper product lines are less likely to have such additives added This means Cheaper gas: cheaper additive
Summary This does not mean spend more on gas, it merely explains why Arco/wal-mart/etc (cheaper brands of gas) causes engine problems later in the cars life or can cause engine issues However, if you plan to clean your fuel system often or are willing to pay later, use the cheap gas now. Personally: I would rather spend a few cents more a gallon now, than deal with expensive problems later down the road! Bottom line: YOU DECIDE!!!
References What Arco Says (marketing at its finest) – What Chevron has to say: – The nitty gritty of Gaoline Composition – The Dept of Measures Survey – Articles: – – What damage it causes from Yahoo Auto Repair –