Explorer Inside the Computer Ms. Dareen Rabah
Objective What does the inside of a computer look like? How did the computer become known as the stored-program computer? Have a look at computer part
Table of content Tower CPU Motherboard Memory Power supply Expansion card Fan Reviewing question
Tower A computer tower, also known as a computer case. Include the motherboard, hard drive, power supply, optical drives and as well as other parts.
CPU The brain of computer is CPU or central process unit. Its control information and tell other parts what to do, like: Converts data into information Control center Set of electronic circuitry that executes stored program instructions CU ALU
CU Control Unit (CU) It is Part of the hardware that is in-charge. Directs the computer system to execute stored program instructions. Communicates with other parts of the hardware.
ALU - + / * > = NOT OR >= < > AND Performs arithmetic operation like: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Performs logical operations Evaluates conditions Makes comparisons Can compare Numbers Letters Special characters - + / * > = NOT OR >= < > AND
Motherboard The motherboard is like a big city with many streets and highways that connect all of the buildings together. Instead of streets and highways, the motherboard uses tiny electrical paths to connect each component of the computer together. These paths are called "buses." The more buses that connect to a component, the faster it can operate. Larger buses are able to operate faster than smaller buses.
Memory memory module has several memory chips. The computer uses this memory constantly to temporarily store information, (or data), while it is working with it. If a computer has a lot of memory, it can store more temporary information and operate faster. Main type of memory
Main type of memory ROM RAM Disk Drive
ROM Read Only Memory (ROM) Data and instructions can be read, but not modified Instructions are typically recorded at factory
RAM Data and instructions can be read and modified Random Access Memory (read and write memory) Data and instructions can be read and modified RAM chips will remember what you tell them. But, when the computer is turned off, RAM forgets everything you told it. This is why we need to save our work on computer.
Disk Drive Disk Drive read information off of storage disks. the most common disk drives are: CD-ROM Hard Drive
CD- Drive To install software onto the computer. Backing up data copying/listening to music files and MP3s.
Hard Drive This stores large amounts of data for a computer that stay while the computer is turned off.
What type of memory is volatile 1. Cache 2. Hard drive 3. RAM 4. ROM
Power supply The power supply supplies the electrical power for a computer. It supplies power to the motherboard, drives, and certain expansion cards.
Expansion card On the motherboard, you will find several expansion cards: Sound card Video card Modem card
Sound Card The sound card contains special circuits for operating the computers sound. The sound card is what processes a computer's sound data.
Video Card The video card handles graphics that are displayed on the monitor.
Modem Card Modems change a computer's digital information into analog waves that can travel through the phone lines to another computer. The other computer's modem then changes the analog waves back into digital information, so that the other computer can understand it.
Which part of the computer does an EIDE cable connect to? 1. Floppy drive 2. Hard disk drive 3. Sound card 4. Video card
Fan Fan to cool the parts of a computer as it processes information at high speeds.
Handle the graphics that are displayed on the monitor RAM CPU Video card
Can read and write, but if you turn off the computer, will forget everything. RAM ROM CD-Drive
Brain of the computer BIOS Motherboard CPU
Hold all of the other circuit boards. Port Power supply Motherboard
have a very good memory can read, but cant write? ROM RAM BIOS
Connect computers and allow them to talk to each other? Modem card Power supply Video card