Psychology A Level Study: Name: Date: Why don’t students report bullying? One issue that schools struggle with is that students don’t always report bullying that they have witnessed. Research has found several reasons for students’ fear of intervening, including: embarrassment at making a mistake (that what they were witnessing wasn’t actually bullying) the importance of the teachers’ responses (that they might not be believed, or that the teacher might tell the bully and then they would be bullied themselves) the need to be “cool” and to avoid a negative, conforming self-image (that they did not want to be seen as a “snitch” or “grass”) that students categorised victims and were less likely to report bullying of someone they didn’t know (only caring enough to report bullying if the victim were a friend or sibling) b) Briefly outline one piece of psychological research and explain how it could relate to the issue you identified. Which study are you going to use? Show three ways this study relates to issue identified in a) 1. 2. 3. Learning Outcomes: Basic: Identify the issue and use some psychological terms to describe it Reasonable Make clear links between psychological knowledge and the applied scenario Identify 3 ways to manage the issue Effective Explain and evaluate the ways to manage the issue identified a) Identify one psychological issue raised by the article. Support your answer with evidence from the article. c) Use your psychological knowledge to give advice to the school on how to encourage students to report bullying and d) assess/evaluate your suggestions Psychological Issue – what’s the problem? Technical Terms (from any area of psychology) you could use Evidence from article (Quotes) What the school could do Psychological knowledge this idea is based upon (use tech terms) Evaluation of suggestions
Psychology A Level Study: Name: Date: Challenge activity a) Identify one psychological issue raised by the article. Support your answer with evidence from the article (4) Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests: In England in 2013 the Emergency Medical Services attempted to resuscitate approximately 28,000 cases of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA). There are many more cases of OHCA where the resuscitation is not attempted because on their arrival the victim is deemed to be beyond resuscitation when the Emergency Services arrive. This is often because the opportunity to start resuscitation was not taken sooner while the EMS were on their way. If more bystanders had the confidence and skills to call 999 quickly, and deliver effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) until the EMS arrive, the number of cases where the EMS could attempt resuscitation would increase. Approximately 80% of OHCAs occur at home and 20% in public places. Therefore more immediate 999 calls and immediate CPR given by bystanders could increase the number of people who receive CPR by the EMS. Why People Don’t Do CPR There are many reasons why people do not learn CPR. Those who do not take a course cite a lack of time or interest, complexity of the CPR procedure, inconvenience of attending a class, In addition, students who take a class may fail to learn, remember or may lack confidence for fear of doing CPR incorrectly. Surveys have shown some would-be rescuers fear causing further harm or failing to do things properly. b) Briefly outline one piece of psychological research and explain how it could relate to the issue you identified (5) c) Use your psychological knowledge to advise the NHS on how to encourage bystanders to contact 999 and/or perform CPR (6) d) assess/evaluate your suggestions (6)