16.5 billion images annually Avg # of Images Rec / Day 65.59 million Images/Day = 16.5 billion images annually 65.59/ day # Items in Millions Images Only Source: Federal Reserve, Viewpointe, The Clearing House, selected ECCHO Full and Participating Members and other local / regional exchanges
# of Image-Available R/Ts # of Receiving R/Ts 24,301 Image-Available R/Ts # of Image-Available R/Ts Image-Available R/Ts Source: Federal Reserve, Viewpointe, The Clearing House, selected ECCHO Full and Participating Members and other local / regional exchanges
Transaction $ Amounts $ in Billions July ’11 Annualized = $21.6 Trillion 20 days in July totaling $1,721 $ in Billions Source: Federal Reserve, Viewpointe, The Clearing House, selected ECCHO Full and Participating Members and other local / regional exchanges
Substitute Check volume has decreased to the volume of February ’05 # of Image Based Trans. Substitute Check volume has decreased to the volume of February ’05 Only .25% of total volume is substitute checks 20 days in July Totaling 1,314 # Items in Millions Images Substitute Checks Source: Federal Reserve, Viewpointe, The Clearing House, selected ECCHO Full and Participating Members and other local / regional exchanges
Average # of Returns / Day 265,000 /Day Annualized = 66.9 million 265.63/ day # Returns in Thousands Source: Federal Reserve, Viewpointe, The Clearing House, selected ECCHO Full and Participating Members and other local / regional exchanges
July ’11 Annualized = $70.8 billion $ Amount of Returns July ’11 Annualized = $70.8 billion 20 days in July Totaling $5,619 $ Amount in Thousands Source: Federal Reserve, Viewpointe, The Clearing House, selected ECCHO Full and Participating Members and other local / regional exchanges
# of R/Ts Available for Image Returns 10,699 R/Ts Available to Receive Returns (Data sources were modified for August 2010 forward) # of R/Ts Available to Receive Images Source: Federal Reserve, Viewpointe, The Clearing House, selected ECCHO Full and Participating Members and other local / regional exchanges