How to be a good Frognall Reunion Course Mum or Vice 101 March 2019 Version 1.1ck
Purpose You are a willing, unpaid volunteer who is motivated by keeping your Course colleagues connected to each other, & to the broader RAAF Frognall community You are the communication node for your Course One of 23 Course Mums who collectively keep the Frognall community of 700+ connected & socialized You are assisted by a Course Vice, who shadows course communications (via cc) and shares awareness of all matters concerning Course reunion events Course Vice steps up if the integrity of the Course Mum role is compromised due to absence or incapacity of Mum
Method Keep the Course contact list as up to date as is reasonably achievable Email address, preferably personal rather than work, is the primary contact mode Addition of home city/town reference is beneficial (for travel planning – side visits to Course colleagues) Addition of 04# has obvious utility but is optional, per preference of owner
Method Check the e-distribution for currency twice a year, adjust as necessary Expect Frognall Reunion (FR) HQ to enquire about Course currency annually Example ‘Currency Report’: 28 of 28 graduates are now accounted for, after an extended active search for the last two 2 of the 28 originated on N-1 Course; Both N and N-1 Course Mums list the 2, N-1 Course is agreed master listing A further 7 starters from our starting year are listed; opportunity searching for others is ongoing Theoretical max listing is 26 start-finish grads from N Course, and 2 from N-1 Course, and 26 other N starters: Possible total = 54
Method During a FR planning, preparation and conduct – be the conduit between FR HQ Planning Team to all contactable Course members Be the Course comm’s node to other Course Mums ‘Shared’ ownership of members who started on a previous course and finished on the next, or any other ‘transient’ sequence that causes dual or more ownership of a member is best handled by applying the member’s preference. If preference is to belong to 2 or more courses, the only extra procedure is for the member and respective Mums to agree on one course being the ‘master’ course inclusion, indicating a guaranteed inclusion that will ensure the member is accounted for and reportable (as a number and a name) to FR HQ - as necessary.
Tips Keep contact details ‘need to know’ amongst Course members, and the wider Frognall community as appropriate Optimizing ‘contact-ability’ is the primary goal But care with privacy is wise, lest members lose confidence and withdraw their ‘contact-ability’ Graduates, starters and transients are all valid inclusions on your course listing ‘who belongs’ is your Course’s choice BFR19 HQ was not aware of any course that doesn’t include all starters & transients as course members
Tips Maintain awareness that you are one of 23 Course Mums that collectively keep all 700+ Frognall graduates & starters from 1954 to 1962 to 1977 to 1988 networked for quick & easy notification of FRs large & small, & other communal activities, happy or sad. Your course listing has utility for not just BFRs involving all courses, but your own single course as well. Make good use of it regularly. Some courses have a reunion annually, others about every 5 years. The older you get the more frequent they should be!
Tips Use your Vice efficiently, keep them aware of everything but doing little except being ready to take-over should you fall in a deep hole or be struck by lightning Mums who have 2 or more courses as an amalgam, with multiple vices and more than 30 members, may care to keep their Vices more active than the default setting of ‘aware but passive’ The ‘standard model’ of a Course Mum configuration is one Mum & one Vice for about 25 members After each FR cycle of up to 5 years, review Mum & Vice allocations democratically & advise FR HQ of changes. Sharing roles around is normally good. Retirement from Mum or Vice should generate a smooth & quick succession & advice to FR HQ In between FRs, expect FR HQ to be staffed by a ‘sleep cycle’ member who was one of the FR HQ Planning Team members for the last FR. They will act as ‘sleeper HQ’ for the 23 Mums – ‘Grandma napping’
Groupings carried from BFR19 1: Pre-DCS Weller/vac 9: 12 DCS Mayne/McLeod 17: 25 ECS Saunder/TBA 2: 5/6 DCS Murphy/Bradford 10: 13 DCS Pike/Clarkson 18: 26ECS Thorne/Walkington\Carerra TBA 3: 7 DCS Gretton/Bradford 11: 14&15 DCS McGilvery/Hall 19: 27ECS Blagg/Brodersen 4: 14 COMMS Dip Gentle/Dudman 12: 16&17 DCS Kennedy/Stanfield 20: 28 ECS Gammon/Yates 5: 8 DCS Detjen/Dobbin 13: 18, 19, 20, 21 DCS Lack Harris, TBA, Lanagan, TBA 21: 29 ECS Reid/TBA 6: 9 DCS Wilson/Dudek 14: 22ECS Beattie/Kiem 22: 30 ECS Hoffman/Scougall 7: 10 DCS Baker/vac 15: 23 ECS Fantini/Pacey 23: ECS DETA (27-30) Edwards/Ibbotson 8: 11/11A DCS Lindsay/Neil 16: 24ECS Crowley/Walker