Quality of life changes in patients after cardiac pacemaker implantation ID 23116 Dr. Natālija Nikrus, Dr. Maija Vikmane, Prof. Oskars Kalējs Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital, Latvian Centre of Cardiology In recent years, much attention has been focused on exploring the impact of physical and mental illness on overall quality of life. In 2016 there were 1228 pacemaker units implanted in Latvia (945 – first implants, 283 – replacements). Person’s subjective feeling of the “goodness” and “well-being” plays an important role in ensuring positive patient outcome after pacemaker implantation operation. The lowest SF-36 score referred to Role-Physical Functioning (11.67±18.68) and the highest to Bodily Pain (51.57±20.03) in patient group before pacemaker implantation. The lowest SF-36 score referred to Role-functioning Emotional (45.54±35.43) and the highest to Social Functioning (63.78±20.59) in patient group after pacemaker implantation. Both groups have shown low score results (47.05±13.35 before the operation and 46.76±18.24 after the operation) in General Health scale. There was a significant association between Role functioning-Physical (p<0.01), Bodily Pain (p=0.05), Vitality (p<0.01), Social Functioning (p<0.01), Mental Health (p<0.01), Physical Health (p<0.01) and operation. To evaluate patients’ quality of life after cardiac pacemaker implantation. t - test for Equality of Means df Sig. (2 tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Physical functioning 1.605 140 .111 6.396 3.986 14.277 1.484 1.578 119.006 .117 4.053 14.422 1.629 Role functioning/physical 7.657 .000 36.931 4.823 46.467 27.395 8.319 131.396 4.439 45.712 28.150 Bodily pain 2.834 .005 9.519 3.359 16.159 2.878 2.824 125.639 .006 3.371 16.189 2.848 General health .106 .916 .294 2.779 5.200 5.788 139.999 .912 2.651 4.946 5.534 Vitality, Energy/fatigue 5.375 14.555 2.708 19.909 9.201 5.288 119.249 2.752 20.005 9.105 Social functioning 3.832 13.830 3.609 20.966 6.695 3.790 121.836 3.650 21.055 6.606 Role limitations due to emotional problems 2.106 .037 12.703 6.032 24.629 .778 2.104 126.907 6.037 24.649 .757 Mental Health 5.011 11.031 2.201 15.383 6.679 5.115 135.456 2.157 15.296 6.766 A total of 142 patients of both genders were evaluated: 82 patients (58.54% women and 41.46% men) after cardiac pacemaker implantation and 60 patients (55.0% women and 45.0% men) before cardiac pacemaker implantation. Average age in patients after the operation 68.60±10.11 years and 70.62±10.69 years before operation. All patients completed the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) for quality of life measurement which provide an eight-scale profile of functional health, well-being scores and composite physical and mental health summary measures. Statistical analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 t-test with a 5% significance level. Number Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Before surgery PF (Physical functioning) 60 80 50.25 24.90 RP (Role functioning/physical) 50 11.67 18.68 BP (Bodily pain) 22 100 51.57 20.03 GH (General health) 20 75 47.05 13.35 VT (Vitality, Energy/fatigue) 4 65 40.57 16.89 SF (Social functioning) 13 88 49.95 22.12 RE (Role limitations due to emotional problems) 32.83 35.61 MH (Mental Health) 32 51.07 11.95 After 82 5 56.65 22.36 48.60 33.75 61.09 19.58 90 46.76 18.24 10 85 55.12 15.21 63.78 20.58 45.54 35.43 24 92 62.10 13.64 Patients after pacemaker implantation presented higher quality of life scores in mental and physical health aspects. Both patient groups evaluate their general health as fair.