Welcome CDR MPSID and MPSVAC, European Spallation Source ERIC, Lund, Sweden A. Nordt 2018-10-29
A very warm welcome to the committee and CDR audience This Critical Design Review is for two systems: Machine Protection System for Insertable Devices Machine Protection System for Vacuum
The Committee The committee consists of: Observer from ESS: Jörg Wenninger (CERN/Section Leader LHC Beam Operation) - CHAIR Markus Zerlauth (CERN/Deputy Group Leader Machine Protection and Electrical Integrity) Ben Todd (CERN/Section Leader Converter Controls Electronics) Ralph Lange (ITER/Control System Coordinator) Ignacio Prieto (ITER/Interlock Systems Engineer) Timo Korhonen (ESS/ICS/Chief Engineer) Marcelo Juni Ferreira (ESS/AD/Vacuum Group Leader) Stephane Gabourin (ESS/ICS/Protection Systems/Lead Engineer Fast Interlocks) Clement Derrez (ESS/AD/Beam Instrumentation Engineer) Observer from ESS: Andreas Jansson (ESS/AD: Beam Instrumentation, Beam Physics and Operations Group)
Important The committee and its chair shall drive the discussions and questions, not the ESS audience.
Schedule Monday Schedule for Monday: There are presentations today foreseen until 16:40 Then there is a closed session until 18:40 Dinner takes place between 19:30-21:30
Schedule for Tuesday Schedule for Tuesday: 9:00-9:30: Short Q&A session with coffee 9:30 -11:00: Visit the lab to see the prototypes for MPSID and MPSVAC 11:00-12:00: Question session, presenters are available to clarify open topics 12:00-13:00: Lunch 13:00-16:00: Working session committee 16:00-16:30: Close out
A few more points I wish you all a very good and successful review And I hope the committee can find Missing aspects, Potential bottlenecks Other issues and help us at ESS to improving and optimizing the currently foreseen design of the two systems presented! Thanks a lot for your work and great commitment!