Where do alpha and beta particles come from? Radioactive Decay Where do alpha and beta particles come from?
Aims To understand how alpha and beta decay affect the nuclei of radioactive atoms
Alpha radiation Made of : 2 protons and 2 neutrons Positive charge Stopped by paper
Stopped by a thin sheet of aluminium Beta radiation Made of : A fast moving electron Negative charge Stopped by a thin sheet of aluminium
Alpha decay Am BUT don’t try to count them!! I have 95 protons and 148 neutrons I’m the nucleus of an Americium atom BUT don’t try to count them!! Am 95 243
Alpha decay I could decay at any time, do you know how nervous this makes me
What’s going on? Am Np Neptunium!!! Help I can’t be Americium if I’ve lost 2 protons What am I now? Hang on… something’s different I’m missing 2 protons and 2 neutrons Phew that feels better! I'm an alpha particle I have 2 protons and 2 neutrons Neptunium!!! They are over here Am 95 243 Np 93 239
Beta Decay This Carbon 14 nucleus is unstable –it has too many neutrons
Beta Decay One of the neutrons has changed into a proton and an electron. Something strange is about to happen………
Beta Decay The nucleus now has 7 protons and 7 neutrons. It has changed from a carbon nucleus into a nitrogen nucleus
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